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Re: HaPpY BiRtHDaY AnnW! :) -- AnnW, 19:44:49 06/12/12 Tue
Hi ya LauraG!
Thanks very much for your kind thoughts and wishes. I wish I could pinpoint the restaurant to which you refer. There is one in a seemingly residental area that I hear is amazing. I've biked past it many times but never have had the occasion to dine there. For the life of me, now I can't remember the name. Rats, now I will have to drive past tomorrow or just make it easy and ask. So many great places to eat in Bellingham! Love Mallard ice cream.
So looking forward to taking the train this weekend up to Vancouver,BC. Only $28/rt from Fairhaven Station(Bellingham,WA)and, where I work is just across the street so it's an easy park/walk. My friend found a posh hotel for us to stay,(hope they can deal with backpacks and jeans!) Too bad if they can't!
Lately, I find myself missing this place, your voices. Thanks for still hanging around.
Love to you,
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re: Jessie -- BC, 05:09:33 06/11/12 Mon
- is Jessie the same dog who was injured just before the trip you had planned to take to CA last November? I'm so sorry too that you lost your sweet friend AnnW! My life has not been the same since my Rottie and I "adopted" each other this past October. They are such true and loyal companions.
- BC
Last edited by author: Mon June 11, 2012 05:11:55
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re: the pow wow -- BC, 05:14:53 06/11/12 Mon
- Have fun LauraG! :) I always look forward to the one held here in Wilson Co. each fall! :)
- BC
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Re: re: the pow wow/Jessie -- AnnW, 20:11:34 06/12/12 Tue
BC, Thank you. Jessie, is not the dog that was mauled. Luka is the one that was hurt. He's a double merle aussie I rescued and is almost totally blind. Defending himself against 3 aggressive heelers left him shredded. Unfortunately, that wasn't the last time, (another story). Now I'm down to one cat, one dog and 2 horses. Agh, I feel naked! Jessie was a guardian angel and is missed so much.
Laura, I've been to several pow wows here in the northwest. I wonder if the Pendleton one differs from the ones I've attended. I hope it is memorable.
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Re: HaPpY BiRtHDaY AnnW! :) -- Brittany, 14:26:43 06/13/12 Wed
I'm so sorry to hear about Jessie :( I just finished writing a long story about losing my dog last September in a reply to BC in another thread. I had her since she was a puppy, too, and then had 15 blessed years with her before she died in my arms. I always worried about what I would do if/when I lost her, and I felt like I would be able to say something better when friends' pets died, but I still don't have the right words. All I can say is I know how animals can be a member of a family and I've still got a hole in my heart that will always be there.
This picture made me cry a little, but it did help me:
I'll bet Piccolo and Jessie are having a blast running around, playing with each other, waiting for us to come so they can show us off :)
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Re: HaPpY BiRtHDaY AnnW! :) -- AnnW, 21:04:24 06/13/12 Wed
Oh thank you!
Brittany, it is hard to lose family. These steady, ever steady creatures are always and ever true. If they are, only, proof that some love never, ever changes. Their love never gets bored, never sees greener(unless there's a biscut, bone, free scratch,... and only for a moment), only you matter. Only the sight of you makes their day. How is that love replaced? It isn't. Tuck it away in your heart. When you need to remember true love exists, open your heart.
Love much,
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