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Date Posted: 14:09:45 08/17/12 Fri
Author: Reda
Subject: Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?)
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?)" on 20:38:34 08/08/12 Wed
Hey Ann, Have a great time. It is soooo worth the trip! I wish I could attend again, but alas, my changes in career and life have meant I can't attend this year. No time off and no money for travel, but I would attend again if I could. It is a great experience! And if BC can come you will really enjoy. She is such a great lady! She and MiniCoop were a delight and made the trip wonderful. And if Stewart's friend Stephen plays again after the festival it will be so great. He puts on one heck of a concert! Go, enjoy and don't come to the aid of any stray animals in the week before your trip. Don't let anything stop you.
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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) -- Valerie, 20:54:55 08/18/12 Sat
Sadly, I will not be attending. With two teachers in the house, one of whom is already taking an epic field trip to Washington, D.C. for the inauguration, it's quite impossible for us to devote any more time to traveling during the school year. :-(
I hope those of you who do make it have a blast!
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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) --
AnnW, 17:50:44 08/19/12 Sun
Hm, I will post pics. Reda, no worries, next door neighbors dogs and mine get along now. Odd thing, the hulligan resonsible for shredding my dog showed up on my deck one morning last month asking to be friends. Since then, all is well. These Aussie heelers are native dogs. By that I mean, they are fiercely loyal and protective/weird?.
Looks like I'm heading south(CA) solo. My "date" has a previous LIOS obligation. Would love to see all of "us" there but know most of us live in the monetary "now". I am looking forward to it,...

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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) -- Jenny (Excited), 09:34:13 08/28/12 Tue
You guys are cracking me up! I spoke with Stewart earlier this Summer and was telling him I don't like red wines. I've never found one that doesn't seem dry to me; not smooth at all. Of course, after we spoke, I went to Paso and went to Hearst Ranch Winery and tasted their Malbec and was addicted. (Addicted? Probably not the best choice of words when referring to wine, but you get the picture. :)It was the smoothest, best tasting red wine I've ever had. They (Hearst Ranch Winery) won't be at the festival, but I am going to make a special trip there when I go back for the festival, just to get another bottle. My husband and I are staying in Paso until Sunday. (We aren't going to the very last day events on Sunday about how to be a wine maker; not our interest.) and then driving to San Francisco for the last leg of our trip. I'm super excited. I hope to get some great pictures of WindFall Farms, too. Such a beautiful property!
Hope to meet some of you!
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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) --
AnnW, 19:30:03 08/19/12 Sun
Oh how I wish I left my darn dog last year and got on that plane. Oh God, I'm going to have to face this man by myself. Sure,...not a worry,....

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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) -- Reda, 01:42:55 08/22/12 Wed
Dont worry about facing anyone alone. You are a sweet genuine person and by the way, so is he. Just go, enjoy and live in the moment. I pray the weather is lovely. The fesitival is delightful! I imagine it will be very busy. It was a success last year and it should be again. Hope you do post pics. Wish I could join you.
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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) -- annw, 22:14:36 08/26/12 Sun
Good to hear from you! I do appreciate your encouragement and yes, I am going. Not a worry, I know I will have an amazing experience and will learn much, like why do some Chard's taste like a middle school science experiment. Drinking a tree is not pleasant let alone pleasureable. Hopefully, this will be answered along with many other questions. I will post pics,....
Love me
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Re: Pasogaragiste Festival(are you attending?) -- Jenny, 20:22:55 08/19/12 Sun
Hello All,
I have my tickets to the festival and my flight booked. One thing at a time, so the hotel comes next. I am really looking forward to the festival and tasting all of the wonderful wine and food and learning something, too. I think it will be a good time and I'm so happy Stewart, Doug and the rest of the Garagiste guys (and girls) have been so successful in this endeavor.
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