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Date Posted: 08:47:49 03/26/03 Wed
Author: Goktimus Prime
Subject: government propaganda
In reply to: Motocron 's message, "Wait a minute.." on 22:09:21 03/25/03 Tue

We were fighting the "War on Osama"? Oh, my bad! I thought it was the "War on Terrorism". How in the world did I get that mixed up?

Because the US government call it a war on terror.
But it's not. Notice how it ONLY targets anti-US terrorism -- namely, Al Qaeda and other enemies of Washington.

How has this campaign addressed terrorism in other parts of the world? It doesn't seem to have affected anyone in Africa or Gaza. Are the US stationing military forces in Northern Ireland? Not as far as I'm aware of. And what is the US government doing in terms of hunting down the members of the JI terrorist network, which bombed the Sari nightclub in Bali last October?

Nope, it's never really been a true war on terrorism, but a war on the enemies of the United States.

Right. Him killing more people is nothing to worry about. Better now than never, Gok.

That doesn't answer ANY of my questions.

You haven't addressed the fact that we've done nothing for the past twelve years, hence I fail to see why we should rush now to the point that we would by-pass other diplomatic avenues.

You haven't addressed the question if we have fully exhausted other avenues besides war. As I mentioned before, and find myself saying again because people seem to ignore what I say sometimes, Saddam Hussein WAS cooperating with UN Weapon Inspectors. Yes, it was a reluctant cooperation, but he DID allow them into Iraq, and he WAS dismantling his weapons. Okay, he was doing it slowly, but he was doing it. Rather than aiding the weapons inspectors or even giving the inspectors more time to do their job properly -- which is what they were asking for, after all, THEY are the experts in finding weapons, not us, nor the US President -- we decide to over-ride their expertise and authority, kick them out of Iraq and send in the troops.

You haven't addressed the fact that this assault was launched WITHOUT International UN sanction/approval. How does make us any better than any other rogue nation? Just because we simply believe our ideals to be more righteous? Of course, the US is only against rogue states which are not friendly towards them. Friendly rogue states, like Israel, are fully supported by the US government.

Also, taking out Saddam Hussein would rid the world of another enemy of the US, but it wouldn't affect global terrorism. Saddam Hussein is a dictator, but he's not a terrorist.

And of course, you utterly disregarded the most important point of my last post -- PEACE. Did you even take note of what I said about the effects of war on civilians?
As I said before, whether you agree with this war or not is inconsequential now. The war has begun. Nothing we can do can stop it. The only thing we can hope for is a quick end -- and no matter what your opinions about this war is, any rational person would agree to wanting a swift end to this conflict.

In other words, there's no point in arguing this any further.
I don't have time to argue this any further. I'm currently working very hard to try to get this convention exclusive comic book finished by the end of the week in time to be printed for next weekend's convention!!

The convention is main priority atm. As far as the war in Iraq is concerned, the only thing I can do about it is to hope for it to end real soon.

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