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Date Posted: 00:56:27 11/22/02 Fri
Author: blah
Subject: you are wrong about mooncake
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "A quest for surreality?" on 16:37:33 08/26/01 Sun

>And the "moon" cake has no lunar elements in it (and >fortunately so, cos if it did, it'd probably be poisonous! >Who would eat a cake made of lunar graphite?!).

its called mooncake because its traditionally eaten as a celebration of the full moon of the mid-autumn festival.
the springroll got its name because it was a common snack for people 'touring the countryside' or 'chunyu' in chinese. the word 'chunyu' literally translated is 'spring tour'. you should learn some chinese history before making such comeents, these words have been used for hundreds of years.
the budda jump the wall is just some stupid marketing tool

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