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Date Posted: 18:31:30 12/20/02 Fri
Author: OneDragons
Subject: Re: poetic comparisons
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "poetic comparisons" on 15:26:47 12/20/02 Fri

Just a small point on aviation:

>I agree that people often look at things -- such as
>sports or martial arts -- then become so inspired by
>them that they make some kind of poetic comparison
>(e.g."Thorpedo"). But what I am arguing is that I've
>come across no evidence that suggests that it ever
>works the other way around -- that people look at the
>source of inspiration first and then study and adapt
>it. In the case of aviation, people who tried to fly
>like birds (e.g.: flapping wings) failed miserably. It
>became clear that any successful aircraft would have
>to be based on basic principles of flight rather than
>by simple direct imitation of birds.

True, the exact copying of dirds failed. But the final answer still came from the bird wing i.e. the aerofoil, I think it was the Wright brothers (could be wrong), but they relooked at the birds wing after figuring out that the flapping was not the most important aspect-if it was then at least one of the flapping machines would work.
They looked at the anatomy of the wing and recreated the basic shape of the wing and hey presto the aerofoil was found which is still is the underpinning principle of all plane wings built to date.
The initial inspiration and final answer all came from nature, it was mans intuition and reasoning that led to mans fruition in flight. Hence my argument that inspiration can lead to final design.

Unfortunately, inspiration is not easily measurable and often not recorded so often it can not be proven where the driving knowledge and or inspiration came from or in what order, especially in the martial arts due to the passing of time.


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