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Date Posted: 23:17:57 09/05/01 Wed
Author: Drunkenmaster
Subject: Why people compare shit to movies
In reply to: seven of nine 's message, "Re: I agree with the Seven O'Nine" on 08:13:33 08/25/01 Sat

>why do people associate movie martial arts with the
>real thing? When you ask the average person, does
>Rambo accurately depict war or can Tom Cruise really
>fly a F14 Tom Cat? The answer would most likely be no!
Everybody knows there acting, but the directors, make sure, it's like the real thing! I havnt seen either those movies for ages, but, there is a fare bit of realism in it!

>When Jet Li pulls off those Romeo Must die moves, do
>people naturally assume they are used for self
Only a kid would think them moves are real, if ya human, and know what the human body is capable of, hehe, ya know there not real moves! Making them moves look real though, is what has made him popular!

>maybe the average person these days have less
>knowledge about hand to hand combat then they do about
>modern warfare. If they are so out of touch, it
>doesn't surprise me that most martial arts classes
>would be of a very low standard.
Why would it surprise you that most martial arts classes are "very low standard" because the average person, doesnt do martial arts!
Thing that makes a Martial arts school "very low stamdard" would be, a shonky teacher!

>I open this for debate


I've learned a fare bit from movies really, e.g. Stealth "ninja movies", Fighting "fighting movies",
I've put them into use, and they work, thats why i compare shit to movies!
even in video games, like flight sims, war games, all takes strategy, even though i havnt flown a x-wing, or a harrier, I can say I've seen people fly em before, from the movies, i then use there tactics/strategy, and alls sweet!

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