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Date Posted: 18:00:12 09/23/01 Sun
Author: Goktimus Prime
Subject: Re: freedom of speech bitch lol
In reply to: Drunkenmaster 's message, "freedom of speech bitch lol" on 22:58:03 09/16/01 Sun

>well i wouldn't say fighting, as i havn't been in that
>much fights, I'm more referring to spar's I've had and
>non full contact fights! I'm talking about feints etc,
>double kicks,
>ddodging and blocking etc.

So you're saying that your technique based on movie martial arts, at best, only works in sparring -- which you're verifying through only anecdotal evidence (which is often considered to be the weakest form of evidence)?

>I'm more referring to Stealth acts, like hiding, using
>shadows as a source of hiding, tree's, camoflage,
>directions the eyes can only see and using that to
>your advantage e.g, them walking straight past u, yet
>being few feet away from em!

*smacks you over the head with a metre stick*
Don't use Imperial units. This isn't the Middle Ages.

>Times I've used them techniques is hiding from police,
>from ppl, from my g/f, hide and seek games, training
>when i was at training at kevin hawthorn.
>All good!!!

Again, merely citing anecdotal pieces of evidence.

>probably not, but how would we ever know, what other
>martial artists have practiced in the own backyard
>with other martial artists!

Alright, let's take the presumption that some people can manage to fluke some good moves. Sure. This can happen -- after all, the universe is supposedly in chaotic flux.

However, in order to establish your theory into undeniable fact ("scientific law"), you need to demonstrate that, under the appropriate conditions, your hypothesis will be true in practically all cases (or at very least, highly probable -- taking in laws of probability et. al). What is the success rate of you pulling off your movie-moves successfully in sparring? What is the success rate of these same moves in actual combat?

Now, supposing that your success rate in either situation is reasonably high, my next question would be -- does the same apply for the majority of people in our population? In other words, would you recommend the average person to learn martial arts by watching lots of Kung Fu movies?

Going along the chaos theory, we can presume that there are some truly spectacular, nigh-magical fighters out there. Heck, there may even be people out there who can truly perform pure internal martial arts as described in Chinese texts (i.e.: people who can fight like Jedi Knights). And although none of this has ever been academically proven, one can argue that it hasn't really been utterly disproven either (this argument is starting to sound theological, but bear with me...). Presuming that such people with such incredible powers do exist -- heck, presuming that mutants with powers like the X-Men exist -- WHAT percentage of the world's population do they comprise? Can their powers be obtained by your average Joe within a reasonable period of time (i.e.: being able to have at least a basic grasp of the techniques by at least a year).

It is my opinion, that at very best, only an incredibly small (nigh-negligible) proportion of the world's population would be able to ever accomplish things such as learning how to fight by watching movies or being able to simply "will" someone into submission (or even death).

None of it has ever been academically proven. If someone could do so, then they ought to submit their findings to a skeptics organisation such as Randi (randi.org) which will award any proven cases of any paranormal phenomenon ONE MILLION U.S. DOLLARS in negotiable bonds. (so far, nobody's won it)

So if you can actually prove what you're saying is true, then I recommend contacting Mr. Randi.

Otherwise, this sounds very similar to the initial writings of "neijia wushu" (internal martial arts) by Chinese courtiers of the 1880s -- a lot of wishful thinking by lazy sods who didn't want to break a sweat and put the physical effort into training.

Furthermore, you cannot argue "freedom of speech" as justification for your use of abusive language on this message board. It seems that you need to do more research into what social liberties like freedom of speech actually do entail before you try to make a claim to it.
Just for starters, I recommend you have a read of "Illusions of Equality" by David E. Cooper. I don't have the time to get into a moral/ethical debate right now.


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