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Date Posted: 22:58:03 09/16/01 Sun
Author: Drunkenmaster
Subject: freedom of speech bitch lol
In reply to: Goktimus Prime 's message, "Could you please cut down on the amount of swearing in your subject headers?" on 17:53:54 09/06/01 Thu

>>I've learned a fare bit from movies really, e.g.
>>Stealth "ninja movies", Fighting "fighting movies",
>>I've put them into use, and they work, thats why i
>>compare shit to movies!
>How have they worked?
>Who were you fighting against? Were they also trained
>fighters or just drunk bums?

well i wouldn't say fighting, as i havn't been in that much fights, I'm more referring to spar's I've had and non full contact fights! I'm talking about feints etc, double kicks,
ddodging and blocking etc.
I'm more referring to Stealth acts, like hiding, using shadows as a source of hiding, tree's, camoflage, directions the eyes can only see and using that to your advantage e.g, them walking straight past u, yet being few feet away from em!
Times I've used them techniques is hiding from police, from ppl, from my g/f, hide and seek games, training when i was at training at kevin hawthorn.
All good!!!
>Also, quoting a few incidents from your own experience
>like that is like citing a piece of anecdotal
>evidence, which is academically considered to be the
>weakest form of evidence (because it could just be a
>one off fluke thing).

maybe, yet maybe not, not fully true what ya said.
example, my stealthyness
>Has there been any other research conducted on the
>effectiveness of using movie martial arts in real

probably not, but how would we ever know, what other martial artists have practiced in the own backyard with other martial artists!
>What personal research have you done yourself? Have
>you CROSS TRAINED with other skilled fighters?

>Cross training is a good way to gauge your fighting
>prowess, as when you train in your own martial art
>school, you're often just training against other
>people of your same style. Cross training can show how
>effective (or uneffective) your style is against other
>styles for which you've never trained against.

i agree
>A good fighting style should be able to hold up in
>cross training.
>>even in video games, like flight sims, war games, all
>>takes strategy,
>So does chess, but that's not combat simulation.

>>even though i havnt flown a x-wing, or
>>a harrier, I can say I've seen people fly em before,
>>from the movies, i then use there tactics/strategy,
>>and alls sweet!
>That's true. Martial arts fighting DOES involve a lot
>of tactical analysis and thinking. e.g.: When to use a
>high punch, when to use a low punch etc etc.
>Check out "The Art of War" by Sunzi if you already
>haven't. I'm sure you'll get more benefit from that
>than any corny Kung Fu flick. :-)

lol swoit, will do mon ami;)

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