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Date Posted: 05:15:54 04/04/02 Thu
Author: Nakedswordsman
Subject: Re: Why people compare shit to movies
In reply to: Drunkenmaster 's message, "Why people compare shit to movies" on 23:17:57 09/05/01 Wed

goktimus replies .... nakedswordsman agrees wholeheartedly
naked swordsman adds...
Most HK films depict one martial in particular - wushu
I will assume for a moment that i have some knowledge in this field and state the philosophy of modern wushu
"every movement in wushu must exhibit sensible combat application and artistic beauty"1
so wushu is designed to be entertaining, and display fighting techniques, sounds enjoyable, yes? i mean thats why we do it isnt it, becuase we like the movements, we enjoy martial arts. The fitness, health and defence aspects could all be gained else where more effectivley (gymnastics, wrestling, yoga etc...) or maybe...
Average fan of american junk fu & winjas martial arts films (inarticulate moron): "but real martial arts teach ya how to kill people and stealthyness (i know it is a spelling error Gok! its meant to be) and stuff..."
you decide how appriopriate this is in the REAL world!

1. Quote from Master Tang Lai Wei, wushu master, former training partener and stunt double of Jet Li and one of the few certified Wu Yi (grandmasters) of the world. (go on Gok, point out how he is certified by a corrupt communist Chinese government you picky bitch! - apol for language, thats why we love you.)

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