Subject: Re: to Kidd (private) |
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Date Posted: 18:02:56 10/29/01 Mon
In reply to:
's message, "Re: to Kidd (private)" on 12:53:58 10/29/01 Mon
Why are you so convinced that Blackwell is a sociopathic killer? I mean, there is certainly no love lost between he and myself. I doubt I could express to you the pain his actions caused my sire, but, at leats I begin to get an understanding as to WHY he killed Mobea. I don't particularly like it, but at least I can understand it. Maybe it's cause he's your maker, but I can't find this underlying trust for Pitt. C'mon, what exactly would that trust be based upon? *shrug* Maybe you know him better than I do, I certainly can't argue that. Well, their certainly is risk trying to get a story of that nature to print. I certainly wont try it at The Voice. I think I may have a way of getting it to the hands of an interested party, what they do with it I can't control. I certainly wouldn't ask for a full-fledged-elders-crushing-neonates favor for something as iffy as that. If were friends, then there would be no need for favors between friends, right? So, I'll do what I can to pass this information on as your friend, and I'll expect to be treated LIKE a friend in the future. Other than that, I'm just curious as to what Blackwell did to piss you off so much. If you don't want to share, cool, I wont pressure you. If you ever do feel like trying to trust me, I'd love to hear and try to help out. Honestly, I think you and I have a lot more in common with each other then the other guys. Sure, they're nice and all, but they're a little.....distant when it comes to morality and reality. Get what I mean?
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