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Subject: Re: Cathedral Windows

richard (ooc can be fun!)
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Date Posted: 16:21:26 02/04/02 Mon
In reply to: Anthony (and thus, ooc) 's message, "Cathedral Windows" on 16:54:18 01/25/02 Fri

Considering the info we got in session last time, your ideas have either been supported or corrected. The voices from the dark spoke, so i don't even need to go there.

questions i have:

the setite/assamite binary. are we assuming that the assamites' form of worship is Islam, or was that Nick's faux pas?

are the links the clans have in the catedral windows limited only to Amici metaphysical/philosophical considerations or is there a tangibal, real-world (well, real-er world), aspect as well? Judging from our recent revelations on the assamites' and setites' presences in NYC they seem to parallel each other in more ways than one. The same could be said about the lasombra/ventrue binary, maybe the gangrel/tzimisce one too. Essentially, my question is how far do these clan linkages go?

no Malkavians? I find that hard to believe. I can see how they escape the clan binaries because they mirror themselves, but where do they fit into "The Cathedral"? Are they the Rose Window maybe? If not, how does the Rose Window fit in, if at all?

just my contribution to the general Cathedral mindscrew.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Cathedral WindowsKidd (or Rob, whatever)00:24:14 02/22/02 Fri

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