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Date Posted: 05:25:22 12/12/02 Thu
Author: bigbird.
Subject: off road riding/motox scrambling

I as browsing your web site and found it particularly interesting that you actively encourage illegal use of the environment to pursue your interests.I'm a user of the hills and national parks and all the other areas you seem to feel that motor cross activity is acceptable so long as you dont get caught in the act.This of course because you can afford the bravardo because no-one else can catch you?Very environmentally friendly.Of course it seems that environmental damage doesnt matter either as long as other people put right the damage.Lets be realistic- MANY motor bikes are involved so how can the damage created be controlled?.But of course you riders having such a blast never see this do you?Because you are always too fast and clever to stop and see the real effects of your activity.
Come on , be realistic.Treat the environment properly,and with respect.You people have got your heads stuffed so far up your helmets that you put ostriches to shame.

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