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Date Posted: 15:06:25 12/12/02 Thu
Author: Stuart
Subject: Re: off road riding/motox scrambling
In reply to: bigbird. 's message, "off road riding/motox scrambling" on 05:25:22 12/12/02 Thu

Off-road bikers are a very minor threat to the environment! The bikes don't cause much damage and most track use is on forestry roads or existing tracks and trails.
Compared to other outdoors groups (such as hikers, hill walkers, horse riders etc) the numbers of bikers are very low. Most are considerate of these other people and will slow down or stop to let them pass.
The reason I said its OK to use certain places as long as you aren't caught is because there are VERY few `legal` areas for bikers to ride. I can't really see a problem in riding on unused mountain trails.
It's definitely not a case of leave the cleaning up to others and don't worry because no-one can catch us. I see you have probably had problems with bikers in the past. Like any group it's unfortunate that a few spoil it for the rest. I can only really speak for myself.

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