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Date Posted: 21:44:05 09/13/01 Thu
Author: Mr. Jim McMahon
Subject: America Under Attack

(Jim McMahon is seen on the RAW's and RWW's Big Screen)
McMahon: Before I start. Greg my prayers go out to you, as well as anyone who has loved ones. I've always had a friendly relationship with you and it's ashame to hear what has happened. As you hear me I'm on the RAW and RWW at the same time and I appreciate both of these federation's time and I don't care if I get heat from Sean or Rob but I felt I needed to let everyone know where I stand on this horrible tragedy. If anyone wants to talk leave me an email at RealJimShady@aol.com
On September 11, 2001 America as we know is had changed forever. No longer do we as Americans feel free. No longer do we feel secure. On a day 911, we were left with many questions. Why and who are 2 of the main questions but the most concern lies in those unfortunate victims in New York. The innocent, people just going to work and living their normal lives not knowing that they were in danger. As President Bush said. These are the actions of faceless cowards. But in our time of mourning, we cannot stop our lives completely. Out of respect we need to focus on the unfortunate victims but we need to go back to normalcy. We need to go back, as hard as that will be.
Whoever has done this has done this to kill our spirits, to make us fear them. At this unfortunate time we need to show unity. We are on the right track. Blood donations, the rescue efforts, and charities are starting to be formed is a great start. It will be when we are all united that we will speak as one and say to these terroists that you can not attack us and get away with it. You cannot break our spirits. You cannot hold us down. With this tragedy, we must take the worst and make it a posative. Continue helping in anyway that you can. For the parents, have a discussion with your child on the situation and what is going on and assure them that their lives are not in danger. Make sure they know that these horrible acts are not directed towards them so they do not live in fear for the rest of their lives. And for the families hurt the most by lose of loved ones and the friends my prayers go out to you.
I have been very impressed by the people that have helped their fellow Americans. And certainly this is a time of mourning, but we cannot keep living like this. We need to bring sports back, we need to bring the music back, we need to bring everything back and work as we were. That in itself will be tough to do with everything that has occured but you have to think to yourself that this is exactly what these assholes want. They want our lives to be changed, which it will be. Just the fact that we are so united right now shows that they have not gotton one thing accomplish and underestimated the power of Americans to help other fellow Americans. We must go about our regular routines in a couple of days because if we don't we're just making those who have done this a bit more happier that we have basically stopped our lives. That they are able to feed off the grief that we have over this situation.
I firmly agree we should immediately go after the bastards who have done this, however I also believe we should first put back together the fallen pieces of not only America, but everyone who has been affected by this. It has become apparent you did not need to be an American to feel the effects of this. Other countries are furious as well. And why shouldn't they be? What's next? Maybe the Eiffel Tower? And don't say it cannot happen because surely no one can say they would have thought prior to Tuesday morning that on 9/11/01 we would never see the Twin Towers ever again. President Bush needs to retaliate and I for one thinks he has the guts, but now might not be the best time. And another thing.
Everytime I get out here I talk about balls the size of Antarctica. The people responsible for this horrible deeds have no balls at all or they would have claimed responsiblity for these acts since we are going to find out who did it sooner or later. The people dancing and celebrating over this event have no balls. We, as America much strike back. Protect our freedom and security. We need to stay united and help each other out. We have our allies all over the world that feel the same way we do with these actions and when President Bush meets with the other leaders around the world, as a whole we go after Terrorists and as far as I'm concerned. Their chances of taking us down, physically and mentally they simply have ..... NO CHANCE IN HELL!!!

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