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Date Posted: 09:34:28 09/14/01 Fri
Author: <| : - [ ] Bill Benway
Subject: A little Para-History lesson, and an anology from another point of view may best serve us in foretelling the future the current events may lead us on...

I want to give my condolances to anyone who is directly touched ny this horrible act of inhumanity. I made it three days without shedding a tear, until I saw a girl pleading to FOX news to help her find her mother. She was on the 92nd floor. She knew her mother was dead, you could see it in her eyes. Tuesday was the day we woke up from a dream. Reality hit us like a mack truck. True American landmarks fell to the Earth... To be sure, it is unbelievable, and will be rembered in history as the straw that broke the camel's back, and the event that brought change upon the entire world.

Oh, those of us who want 'revenge' will be well satisfied. But I also hope those people have the guts to pay the price to get what they want. And from the high spirits of America today, I believe that we indeed do have just that. The guts. What we embark on will take years, and will probably test the limits of America's spirit, and the international community's, as the world reacts to a crackdown on terrorism.

Just what were they thinking? How could they do such a thing? How could they live here for an extended time and one day commit a suicide bombing of that kind of magnitude?Look at it from an outsider's point of view... we were politcally split down the middle, almost 50/50, the elections were full of tension and outrage, our economy was almost ground to a halt, showing only a bit of small growth here and there. They are disgusted by the same thing that disgusts some Americans. Fast food, fast women, fast cars. Drugs, sex, rock 'n' roll. Wrestling. MTV. It is our culture that scares them. It is our culture they try to crush. Without money, how could America exist? The stock market opens Monday. It was falling when it last closed. I my self lost $700 last week in stock, and to me that's a king's ransom.

What better target to hit than the financial center of America, and the world... what better way to cripple us. They think that we depend on the money for happiness. They want to crush our will. They want to take away our ability to be happy.

Here's where the anology comes in. In 1941, the Japanese struck Pearl Harbor. Now now, I know that everyone has heard that anology already... but how about from the Japanese point of view? A high officer in the Japanese military thought that America had been given advanced warning of the attack when he gave the advance order. His fellow officers had not sent the message to us. They turned it into a suprise attack on an unknowing people, out of the blue. After thousands of American were dead, and it's Pacific Navy fleet in what looked to be shambles, in Japan, the high ranking officers were celebrating their ferocious and victorious attack. They all spoke of the might of Japan. They spoke of how they crushed America's spirit with the attack, how we would be easily defeated. How we were soft. Then it came around to the general who did not know of the surprise, and who had only found out afterwards. Also the man who ordered the attack... he stood up with his hat in his hand, and a dishonored look upon his face... he said...

"We have woken a sleeping giant. We are doomed."

The others just stared at him in disbelief, as he proceeded to walk from the room and leave them.

Now this is the point I mean to make. Terrorists world wide will be the ones who live in fear. They have brought the wrath of the world community upon them. Not only the united states, but the entire world. People around the world are mourning for what happened to the people in NY and DC. I can only imagine how this affects even those of us, a large portion of this efed community lived close enough to the WTC attack to witness first hand the horror itself! Those dishonorable bastards who inflicted this wound upon us, not only this time, but all of the times before. The car bombings, hijackings, ect... Not only in the United States, but Israel, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, the Phillipines, Japan, China, Britian, Germany, France, I could go on and on naming the countires that have felt the sting of terrorist actions. What is now transpiring in front of our eyes is this:


Not only Americans, but the world. The entire world. It will take time, and terrorist actions will become a thing of the past. NATO passed resolution 5, which states that an attack on one NATO country is an attack on all NATO countires. And a terrorist attack is henceforth an act of war. Therefore, a terrorist attack on a NATO country will bring a large portion of the world coming down upon the attacker's heads. But what else does this change? It almost dictates that any war involving NATO will also have this effect from this time forth. Is that good? or bad?

By the end of this, if there is ever and end, this new anti-terrorism community will probably invade many many countries, unless they cease their pro-terrorist actions. Using the leverage of military might to coax radical governments to hand over the perpitrators(sp?) and cease terrorist activities. What I hope to see, is many terrorist groups, fighting for whatever they believe in, such as the PLO, the IRA, and other politically and religously motivated groups, to take the energy they put into violence, and put it into diplomatic civil activity, non-violent demonstration, and human rights development. Hopefully they will evolve into this method of solving conflicting opinions, and will be spared the wrath of we the United States and the entire free world proper.

Now here I sit, listening to a man from the Islamic Society lead an Islamic prayer in a Catholic church in DC. Does this show the unity of the United States or what? I hope those in the world that are watching this realise what they have brought upon themselves. The sleeping giant is awake! And coming! RUN!!!

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