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Date Posted: 12:07:42 10/05/01 Fri
Author: Carlos, X-Con, whatever, doesn't matter right now. By the way, ppl, new e-mail addy, add it to ur address book.
Subject: A few words from X-Con, i've found sometime to go to a library and post this. I'd like all of you RAW/ IUWF superstars/handlers to read what i have to say.

First of all, i'd like to say that you all need to stop being assholes, all Chula did was talk shit about crap about my promo... whoop-de-f*cking-do! Goddamn, if i didn't reply is because it wasn't worth it... and because i don't really have the means to reply to all this crap you people post. As some of you know, my computer's mad f*cked up, and i can barely rp, as you have noticed the quality of my rp's has decreased. I am standing here worse than the WWF's Big Show... from Main Eventing many cards, to doing one 20-line rp every other week. Now, Chula, when you see an rp such as that one, and you DO know that my conditions to reply and defend myself and my character, why do you have to cause conmotion and talk crap about it? I mean, i wouldn't even bother to finish reading the rp once i went past the first three lines.
Now, i don't really know what's going on, i mean, my only sources of information that fill me in on what's going on are Outlaw, Cromwell and Chula herself, but i'd like this bullcrap to stop. I'm sick and tired of getting on my AIM talking to Cromwell, and we're giving each other attitudes, i'm talking crap to Chula, Outlaw is talking crap to both of them, i cant' stand that. And it's stressing when i really cant' do anything about it. It irritates me to know that in the boards people who i've rp'ed with for a couple of years now, are fighting and some are being childish and they f*ck around what we have here. A source of entertaiment, a thing we do just for the hell of it. If you don't like it, leave, don't talk crap, nobody's putting a gun to your head and telling you to stay here. Just quit. It's until now that i'm able to voice my opinion to all of you, so i'd like to also let you in on something, X-Con is no more. I quit, and probably won't come back, because of this crap that's going on, plus other things that have been bothering me for some time now, that i've kept to myself. So, it's been fun everybody, i hope i come back sometime soon, i'm not really sure where i stand right now with X-Con, or The Rock or any of my characters for that matter. So if you guys wanna talk, just send me a line, my new addy's there, just click my name. Like i said before, i hope this crap stops and i hope to come back soon. Thank you.

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