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Date Posted: 12:15:42 10/05/01 Fri
Author: Carlos
Subject: I ain't done....
In reply to: Carlos, X-Con, whatever, doesn't matter right now. By the way, ppl, new e-mail addy, add it to ur address book. 's message, "A few words from X-Con, i've found sometime to go to a library and post this. I'd like all of you RAW/ IUWF superstars/handlers to read what i have to say." on 12:07:42 10/05/01 Fri

After i posted my previous message, i started looking trough some of the messages here. People, leave Chula alone, i know i was one of the people in FWF that wanted her out of the picture, could've been jealousy, could've been just crap from me or whatever, the fact is that none of you have the right to talk crap and make her leave. She already went through that, and wether she deserved it the first time or not, it's not fair to do it to her again. In any event, why not talk about someone else? Why not try to persuade somebody like me or anybody else to leave? If i didn't want to leave, i'd stay, and whoever was talking crap about me would have to just take it... up the ass if they choose to, because in my book, whoever does that crap is a bitch. Yes, you smartasses, i just said that i'm a bitch, because i've done it to her, i'm a bitch... and what? I could be a bitch to whoever the f*ck i want. Nobody's gonna stop me, now be mature people, and stop this crap. It's not worth anybody's time, to type guerilla posts just to trash the woman who's the commissioner of this great fed i helped build. Which is another reason of why i'm mad about this. I've been in this fed since it started, since the beginnings of the FWF, and i've given it alot of time, i don't want to see all that "effort", if you will, go down the drain just because some stupid f*ckers don't want somebody in it, or just don't care about the fed. Like i said before, if ya don't wanna stay, get the hell out. I think i'm done for now. Peace.

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