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Date Posted: 15:08:03 06/21/01 Thu
Author: X
Subject: My board-warming gift....

"You can dance! You can dance! Everybody look at your pants!!!!"

"But it's been my boyhood dream Marge - No, your boyhood dream to eat the world's largest hoggie, and you did at the county fair"

"The following 4 quotes are things CoRn likes to say"

"We work hard, we PLAY HARD"

"Hot stuff, comin' through!"

"Stand still, there's a spark in your hair - GET IT GET IT GET IT"

"Smither's, you're quiet good at turning me on - you probably should ignore that"


"Who wants to go through that cactus feild over there? - YEAH!!!! - YEAH!!! - nooooo - It's 2 against 1 - Ow ow ow ow ow ouch ouch ow ow"

"Mr. Plow, that's my name, that name again is Mr. Plow"

"Where's my burrito, where's my burrito"

"This is your mother smithers?"

"Homer are you having an affair? - NOooooo, all I did was watch her try on outfits"

"Dad, towel rack"

"That slim lazy Homer you once knew is gone, now I'm a BIG FAT DYNAMO!!!!"

"No T.V. and no Beer make Homer something someting.... - Go crazy? - DON'T MIND IF I DO!!!"

"Anger fading.....fading......RISING!!!!....fading....gone."

"You have the shinning - don't you mean the Shining? - SHhhhh, do you wanna sued?"

"Dad, that's Fox! - UNDO UNDO UNDO!!!!"

"And what if it doesn't work? - We'll fake it and sell it to the Fox network! - Heh, they'll buy anything. - Now son, they do alot of quality programing *Both rofl*"

"...It..has..come..to..my..attention..that..NBC..sucks. So..in...conclusion..NBC..bad..Fox..good..NBC GOOD!! *Gun blast*"

"And that talking coyote was just that talking dog. - Hi Homer, find your soul mate - Wait! Dogs don't talk!"

"Homer have you been drinking? - No.....well, 10 beers"

"Why are all those lights out? - Because they won't hire an assistant"

"Think un-sexy thoughts, think un-sexy thoughts..."

"It's german for 'The Bart, the'. - No one who speaks German can be evil"

"Only who can prevent forest fires? *Bart presses "you"* You chose you, refering to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is YOU"

"...which was regrettably named 'pukeahontis'"

"And I said, 'Red M&M, blue M&M, it doesn't make a difference in the end'"

"Is this test really necissary? - No, but I thought he could use the excersise - His jiggling is almost hypnotic - Yes...it's like a lava lamp"

"Hello, my name is Mr. Burns, I believe you have a letter for me - Okay Mr. Burns, what's your first name? - I....don't...know"

"We remember our first visit! - The service was equisate - Why Joseph I had no idea - Come on now, you were working here"

"We put the SPRING in SPRINGField"

"I'm a big four-eyed lamo, who wears the same stupid shirt every day.....THE SPRINGFIELD RIVER!!!"

"Extra Extra, Tod smells - This really isn't news worthy - Is your source reliable?"

"Extra Extra, Tod smells - Oooooh, I already knew that"

"Daaaaaaaad, it says non-toxic"

"I never thought I'd see the day when dad's butt prevented the release of toxic ga-BART!!!!"

"How do you feel? - Kinda feel like smoking - Great, what's your brand? - Anything slim - D'oh!"

"It's just a little airborn, it's still good, it's still good!"

"I think I'll give a million dollars to the children's ophanage.....When pigs fly *Pig flies by* - will I be writting that check out sir? - I'd rather not."

"I didn't no grandpa was in the race - He isn't, Dad's just a little dehidrated"

"It's hard to help someone with your son's flamboyant homosexual tendencies - Bart's GAY!? - Oh sorry, wrong file *zooms in on Milhouse's name*"

"I'm looking for an Al, last name Coholic - Is there an Alcholic here?"

"I'm looking for a Amanda, last name hugnkiss - Is there and Amanda Hugnkiss here? Come on! I need a man to hug 'n kiss - MAYBE YOUR STANDARDS ARE TOO HIGH!!!"

"I'm looking for a Enita, last name bath - Hey everybody, I need a bath!"

"I need to call smithers....let's see, this contraption shouldn't be to hard to work. I've seen Smithers use it thousands of times. Let's see, S-M-I-T-H-E-R-S.....- Hello? - Ah, yes, I'm looking for a Mr. Smithers, first name Walen? - First name Walen is it? LISTEN YOU! I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND SHOVE YOUR PHONE DOWN YOUR-"

"Number 8 -BURP!!!!- Number 8 -BURP!!!"

"Hey kids, if I break, buy a new one!"

"Mr. Tiny needs a refill of his nicotine gum"

"That's right...send out the robotic Richard Simins! - AAAAAAAAAAAH - Come on, come on girls! Let's work those buns!!"

"Swe-swe-sweeeeeeeeet can"


"Thank you, come again"

"What kind of catch phrase is that?"

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