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Date Posted: 08:47:48 02/14/03 Fri
Author: Netwave
Subject: "Come on you...Work!"
In reply to: Netwave. 's message, ""Perfect timing..." Netwave thought..." on 14:37:08 01/31/03 Fri

The tight coiled tenticals pulled at her arms and legs, holding her tightly in place. Netwave struggled for a while, then relaxed. The tenticals seemed to move whichever way she did, which wasn't a good thing.

"Damn Fraging jerk! she hissed to herself straining again. Nothing! It felt impossible. How the pit was she going to get out of there? Netwave looked up, and noticed a camera eye. The thing was obviously designed to detect her motions and pull opposit of the way she went. Slowly a thought came to her, a weak idea, but one that might be of use. If the eye monitered her motions and it was taken out, she could, possibly pull the tenticals off her.

She had to act fast,the fact that she had heard the members of the council escaping gave her a rush of hope. She started by forcing her arms to move in opposit directions, and the machine pulled back. Then her feet, and then both at the same time. She kept this up for several minutes gadging how fast the responce time was for the tenticals to pull on her. Finally she had her planed formed.

She went limp, as limp as she could go, then slowly, so slowly that she hoped the machine wouldn't register the movements, she brought her head to waist hight. Then, just as slowly she pulled her legs together, and pulled in her knees so that she could reach a set of decortive spikes on her left boot. These were small, tiny little things, that held no real reason for being there, just for a patten to her boots. Biting,hard, she managed to retrieve one from it's casing on the boot, and slip it into her mouth.

Counting down in her head from ten to one she steeled herself for the pain she was about to endure. At five she slipped the spike like decoration near her lips. At three she contracted her muscles.


Netwave pulled herself into a tight ball, and the machine picked up this motion. It snapped her back like a rubberband, pulling all the limbs apart at impossible speeds. A human set in the same trap would have been ripped to shreds, a transformers merely had several wires ripped from her differnt sockets. Her arms, legs and head snapped back into the first postion she was in, and she spat out the spike up at the camera eye.


Netwave was delighted to see the sparks flying from the eye, and the sudden blinding gave her time to pull about differnt parts of her body to discoordinate the tenticals. The machine flayed it's arms, and let go of different peices of her. She landed on the floor, as its coiled limbs streched out to find it's victim.

Sparing only a moment to catch her breath, Netwave pulled a small electronic disrupter from her internal compartment, and placed it on the shell of the egg that trapped her. The charge only worked for three clicks, and she bit her lip waiting for it to open a small hole. Small was the opertune word here, as the hole was only three meters in circumferance. She pulled her self through, barely missed being cleved in two when it closed, and dropped to the floor,rolled and landed up right on her feet.

Now came the hard part. How to get out onto the street.

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