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Date Posted: 02:22:27 11/03/02 Sun
Author: Ediculous
Subject: the master

once again, Elsens top dog, ice frog, nigga turn that shit up....

id just like to announce an important development...

I, James Matthew Elsen, formally assumes responsiblity for getting lcb/prom mvp/ice queen/and etc... to consume/enjoy a tasty beverage of the underage/illegal destinction, such as one containing cheap as hell vodka in amount in excess of the legal limit(at least 3 times over). In doing such resulted in a more comfortable atmosphere, a brief state of shock, and a sigh heard round the world. Thank you to all involved and or affected by this. In closing i would like to add that if this was possible then one could only imagine what will happen next week when one jonathon of rottendom, arrives for his stay. Tripled efforts will be made.

sincerely the truth is out there,
we know who we are

ps. congratulations claw dog on getting head

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