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Subject: additions and such

michael Thomas
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Date Posted: 16:17:18 06/20/01 Wed

hey all,
I've ben attempting to recap on the discussion so far and perhaps now I am able to provide some imput as to changes to the constitution. I'll be able to do a bit more in a couple weeks when I'm back in LA. the only issues where I have an idea on possible changes are attendance and perhaps resignation. As far as attendance goes I don't have a problem with the distinction between excused and unexcused abscences, even if the abscences themselves are bad, they still force the memeber to be accountable for what they are doing (that is, they have to tell us where they are and why they are going to miss.) I would be down for a clause that if the member does not inform the council in advance of an abscence then it is unexcused (i guess this means that I go along with the idea of the forms to be signed). Also along with the distinction of the different abscences I believe that there should be a clause perhaps in the council memmber duties to have a certain amount of attendance. I like mike's idea of after a certain amount of abscences having to discuss any repercussions (sp?) that would be involed.
As far as removal goes. I believe we should perhaps work with an official process. And also with the removal of memebers. I remember that when we discussed this, the actual process was sketchy. It creates more beurocracy, but allows a guideline for what the council should do. It should perhaps have to be brought up during a meeting, there should be a raising of reasons, then defense, and then a vote. I go along with the 2/3 majority for the vote on this issue. Either way, that's just a sketchy and perhaps banal (usage) telling of ideas on my part. I'll try and get more together when i make it home. Now back to servius.


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