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Subject: Resignation Clause for Officers

Alexander Billioux
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Date Posted: 11:43:42 06/11/01 Mon

I believe there may be a need to put a resignation clause for officers in the constitution. I noticed there was not explicitly defined maner by which an officer may step down from their position within the Forum Council without leaving the council altogther. Is this something we need to add, or is it another one of those things that is just unspoken? This would apply to Article VIII I believe.

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[> Subject: i

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Date Posted: 20:23:30 06/17/01 Sun

like this, too. it can just be a simple sentence, whereas the rest of the members may run, including officers already in place and then there would be a swapping? does this work, or does it make it too much turnover?

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[> Subject: Re: Resignation Clause for Officers

Mike C
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Date Posted: 10:19:14 06/18/01 Mon

Perhaps something saying that any officer may reisgn his or her office without resigning from the council. Upon such event, the two highest officers within the council will decide how to replace the officer. This may be done through appointment or by election. If one of the two highest ranking officers wishes to be placed in vacated officership, an election must take place within the council, and an appointment will not be allowed in this instance.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Resignation Clause for Officers

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Date Posted: 16:56:33 06/18/01 Mon

I do not think the officers should decide. I thinkt he officer resigns and then the council as a whole votes to fill the positions and current officers have the ability to be nominated for the vacated position. however, if the officers wish to maintain their positions, only the vacated position is voted upon. Also, if the officer trying to move to the newly vacated seat does not win the new seat, they are guaranteed their original office. That is mor democratic I think and allows for less politics.

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