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Subject: the senator at large idea

Michael T
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Date Posted: 20:05:59 07/20/01 Fri

This will be a redundant message but I share the view that it would be unnecessary to have to Forum as a whole vote for the president. I like the idea of the enitre body having that power, but it all lies under the assumption that the president has a power over the Forum. Even Jeremy says, andd I quote, "The way it is set up now, the council picks the president from among the ranks and I have a problem with that bc the entire forum should decide as a whole who leads the group." My other question is should the senator at large election be held first, was that simply so that we'd have that initial person elected and given the presidential position, or is there something else there?

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[> Subject: Re: the senator at large idea

Always fruitful Jeremy
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Date Posted: 17:58:23 07/29/01 Sun

I don't really understand what you were trying to accomplish by quoting me, but if the president has no power overthe others then the seat is almost pointless. As for voting before regular elections, I think I was under the impression that both motions went hand-in-hand. Otherwise, it doesn't really make any sense, but I will try to recollect what I was thinking when I posted the original so long ago.

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