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Subject: The President's Position

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 10:50:19 07/30/01 Mon

This post is in response to the numerous posts regarding the forum council presidency/senator-at-large position. First, I will address the powers of the president which are explicitly outlined in the constitution above (care of Bess). The President, as has been said before, is very much like the chairman of a board of directors. This person has been chosen for their leadership ability as well as their proven ability to get the job done themselves. The president must make sure everyone is on task, that the meetings run smoothly, that the council is keeping in close touch with the general forum, and that the council is keeping in touch with the university at large. The president does all these things because he/she ultimately bears the responsibility for the forum council's actions (within reason). On the otherhand, the president also gains praise when the council of their administration performs well ( and rightfully so!).
Right, now onto the meat of the matter. The President has no "power" over the forum council. If the council as a whole votes against every action the president wishes to make...none of the president's wishes come to fruition. Every council member has the same implicit ability to vote and call the shots. So then, to answer a previous question, what is the point fo the president if not to have power over the council. Well, as stated earlier, the president is to guide the council (something more subtle and yet with the possibility of more power than direct rule by force). Remember, we are a liberal arts college... we are uneasy with those who exercise absolute power over us. Sic semper and all that;)

Alex Billioux

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