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Subject: One Member from Each Class

Alex Billioux
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Date Posted: 11:56:35 06/11/01 Mon

I was wondering if we should make an additional requirement for quorum that at least one person from every class must be in attendance as well as the total number of forum council members must be 5? Also, and just throwing out ideas here... What if we made it possible to send a representative from your class in your place if you know you will be missing in advance. This would still count as an absence for you. I know you may say "Any general forum member may attend our meetings" so it would be like just asking a friend to fill you in on the information that was discussed at the meeting (something you should be able to do thorugh the minutes). However, what about if you have some information you were supposed to report to the council and you have this person do it in your stead. Still nothing revolutionary... but... and here is the sticky part, what if we gave these replacements proxy voting power for the day of the abscence. Since the forum should know what votes are coming up from the meeting the week before, you should be able to anticipate the vote and This would allow the representative to hear the discussiont he day of the vote and either vote as they were told by the absent representative, or vote as they feel they should with respect to the debate the day of the vote. For this to opperate correctly, the representative who is going to be absent would have to resent the president and vice president witha written explanation for abscence, the name of the person to represent them, and both the representatives name and signature and the name and signature of the proxy replacement. The actions of the replacement would be the responsibility of the person who is absent (i.e. if constituents are upset, they should point their complaints at the person who chose the replacement due to absence, not at the forum council proper).

Pretty outlandish I know, but I think it could work. Why take these measures? Because, though it still counts as an absence (thus this cannot be done more that 3 times by any one member), this would allow the forum council to continue with business as usual without being crippled by a missing member. If the member is responsible for a report to the council the day of a meeting and sends a replacement , it is the representatives job to make sure the replacement has been given the report and understands it well enough to answer questions on it. MOre discussion on this topic s needed, but I think the idea may work.

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[> Subject: hmmm....

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Date Posted: 20:27:16 06/17/01 Sun

i'm not sure that i like this idea. the providing of info can be useful ie. someone filling in with your information. but the idea of giving them voting power...this means that they MUST be able to make an informed decision, which means that we must inform them of all happenings, regardless of whether they have been reading the minutes. as we have seen with some visitors, this can take up an hour of our time, plus the regular meeting time. it just may be more hastle than helpful.

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[> [> Subject: Re: hmmm....

Alex B
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Date Posted: 08:58:57 06/18/01 Mon

I see your point. Very valid. I withdraw the idea :)

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[> Subject: ?

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Date Posted: 16:53:00 06/28/01 Thu

>How often do members miss meetings? Are there several instances where business was stalled. As long as the chosen people understand the reasons why you are concerned about supporting the non- elected reps, I don't see a violation of any rules or laws, just that it would be new law. If each arising situation is dealt with by people exhibiting integrity the concept of representation would still be honored.

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