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Subject: All my thoughts (as of now)

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Date Posted: 20:18:49 07/02/01 Mon

Hey, everybody. Sorry it's been so long. We've had some aggravating internet troubles this summer. Anyway, I have read everything posted thus far and here is my input on as much as I have retained. For the duty changes: I personally like the idea of 3 unexcused being dismissal and 3 excused being discussion if necessary. I don't really like the idea of specifying how many meetings we all must attend because then some slacker could come along and go to 4/5 meetings or whatever and still be ok. That's not fair to the dedicated members who try to attend everything possible or go above and beyond (as well as those who do what is necessary to get the job done). I also like the slip-signing idea. It is kind of high schoolish, but it seems as though steps like these are somewhat necessary to keep everyone in check. With the senator at large ideas floating around, I still prefer the way we do it now, voting within the council. Even with posting a list of 2nd or more year members for everyone to vote on, some rather worthless members could be on the council for a number of years. Who's to say said person would not be elected to an officer position? All things are possible. Also, the way we run things now seems to be efficient in having a fairly decent officer setup. From what I have seen in my year on the council, officer duties don't really seem to be a problem as big as member duties in general. I know I would like to think that a member who did not feel he or she could handle an officer position would decline a nomination, but we all know that people do exist who like to be in charge just for the kicks of it. Like I said before, these are my thoughts and opinions. Let me know likes/dislikes or whatever you feel. Now that my internet is back when it feels like working properly, I should be online more.

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