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Date Posted: 16:44:13 09/26/02 Thu
Author: Ray D'Shyrt
Subject: Visiting the Pearls.
In reply to: Various visitors 's message, "Visitor turbolift arrival." on 16:36:56 09/26/02 Thu

Ray stepped out of the turbo lift and went to a visitor reception. After a brief conversation with a receptionist he made his way to the human trauma ward. A number of carbon-based and Transformer doctors and orderlies were attending to patients.

Ray found Klaire laid up in bed with a dark green technorganic plaster cast on her shoulder and her husband sat next to her bed.

"Hey, Ray my man!" said Tom rising to his feet and smiling.

"How's it goin'?"

"Took a round in the shoulder," Klaire grumbled. "I'll be off work for a week."

"Doctor's orders!" said Tom in a mock chiding tone and waving his finger, causing the three of them to break out into laugher.

"I... the chaps and I are sorry we didn't get there sooner," said Ray, looking down at his feet for a moment. Klaire took his hand for a moment.

"There was nothing you could have done," she admonished him.

"And from the looks of things I don't think the entire shift would have been any more help..." Tom trailed off, rubbing the back of his shaven head.

"Yeah, that's also what I wanted ta talk about sorta," admited Ray. "This guy - what can you tell me about him." Ray hurriedly waved his hands as Klaire dropped her gaze to the sheets. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want."

"No, no it doesn't matter," she replied. Tom nodded. "I didn't really see that much when the lights went out. Big, like a Transformer, but not G1-class. Could have been a cassette or a Mini-Autobot, but it wasn't chunky like that. Probably a Maximal, maybe a Predacon."

"I did notice one thing before it threw the light-grenade," interjected Tom. "It seemed to have a long, thin object handing from it's left hip. I couldn't be sure with the lights out, but I think it was some sort of sword."

"That's strange. All the weapons it used were jury rigged and non-lethal. There weren't any marks that a blade was used." Ray frowned, then grinned. "Besides, the prisoners were taken fully assembled."


"Sorry," said Ray contritely. "I'm going to grab a bite to eat. Want me to get you anything?"

"I've already had breakfast," replied Tom. "And K's got to let the meds kick in before she can have anything." Klaire pouted, then smirked.

"You know you'll pay for that later," she said archly, prodding her husband with her good hand.

Ray grinned and decided to go for a McD's.

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