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Date Posted: 05:23:25 12/26/02 Thu
Author: Chariz Phantom
Subject: Laughs

An omnious clap is heard aroud the inn. What direction it is coming from is unknown at this point in time. Then a light shines brightly in one corner of the room and a black figure steps out. His claok beat up some but yet covers him better then a new one. He removes his hood and stands thier silent as his cold red eyes glare towards Ravyn. He stops his clapping and floats to were Ravyn is. "Bravo. I enjoyed your little story about Halo being the strongest of us. It is true he is but then again I am the leader. Look at you. You have gotten weaker Ravyn. What happen? Oh yes so the little old lady did give you the potion after all." A cold laughter bellows from his parted lips. "Oh I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself to your friend here. My name is Chariz Phantom. You can just call me King Phantom if you like. The time has come Ravyn. I have found you but you know I would like to make you suffer first." A light emits from his hand and he shoots it at Ravyn. The light connects with him sending him out of the chair and hitting a wall hard, and while hitting the wall he makes a hole in it. "Hmm how interesting. I thought you would be stronger then that." He glances around at the inn and laughs a bit. "Nice place you got here." He then holds his hand up in the air while light shoots out of it. The inside of the inn then turns into rubble. 'That will be fun to clean up won't it. "Well farewell for now Sheilah and Ravyn." He fades away slowly in a white mist.

(OOC: Hmm it may be powerplaying but go along with it. It could come out to be very interesting.)

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