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Date Posted: 07:13:41 01/25/03 Sat
Author: Leon
Subject: .:approach:.
In reply to: Adelle 's message, ".v. walk silenltly, carry a big stick .v." on 20:45:35 01/21/03 Tue

A boy of fourteen entered, his black locks pulled back at the nape of his neck with a leather thong, he was clad in all dark blue, a midnight blue cloak to match swirled about his feet. The Prince had been walking about town when he entered the Inn, trying to see if any of his friends were here, seeing none he turned to leave when he spotted the girl sitting there crying. *No Leon you won't do it, you need to try to make more guy friends, you've got a handful of girls already and most of them don't even know that you are the Prince!* But he felt a strong liking for this lass sitting there all alone, and it broke his heart that she was sobbing. Walking up, his soft leather boots making no sound on the wooden floor, he kneeled down on the ground, peering at her, "Why do you cry?"

OOC: I'm guessing you're on the ground since you said you went and sat behind a table, I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong:)

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