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Date Posted: 17:12:37 09/23/02 Mon
Author: The Pearls
Subject: A Robbery Attempt.
In reply to: Z-Shift/A-Shift 's message, "Technician shift change." on 05:03:31 09/22/02 Sun

Klaire Pearl and several other members of the Z-Shift stepped out of a secure turbolift from Engineering and seperated in smalls knots that went down different corridors. Back at her shared appartment Klaire's husband, Tom, would be getting ready to leave for his shift at the Medlabs.

Gradually Klaire's coworkers peeled off to different corridors and passages leaving her to walk the last few blocks to her street, a reasonably clean and pleseant avenue of towering flats underneath an artificial night sky. Ambiant yellow light was provided by the soft glow of strategically placed technorganic trees, but the apartments still had not been converted from Maximal to human proportions in this district.

Climbing the gantry leading to her third-storey flat the technician's first indication that something was wrong was when she noticed that the apartment tall door was open. An unfamiliar aftershave lingered in the air. Klaire reached into her toolkit and pushed the door open slowly with a heavy maglite.

The appartment's hallway was unlit, but the ambient light from the trees outside cast enough light to see that there had been a struggle - a plant pot had been knocked over scattering soil across the floor and Tom's pair of boots had been left in disarray.

The beam from Klaire's maglite flicked across the floor, tracking footprints into the bedroom, living room and kitchen. Tightening her grip on the hefty torch and perching it at shoulder height like baton she stepped inside.

Quickly the technician was roughly grabbed from behind, an arm encircling her neck whilst another grabbed tore the maglite from her numb hand. Self defense lessons took over and she elbowed her assailant in the ribs elicting a grunt of pain from behind. She swept up the maglite and ran into the lit bedroom where, by rights, Tom should have been getting into his orderly's uniform.


One masked man was rummaging through their draws, a small pile of the couple's valuables piled next to him - a few credchips, a silver photoframe an, engagement ring, passports and so on. Another balaclaved man in the room was holding a gun to her husbands head, a gun he turned on her in surprise.

A blaster shot cracked across the room, spinning Klaire round and knocking her to the floor. Her husband struggled against the grip of the shooter who's eyes were widening in surprise and shock. The gun's barrel returned to Tom's temple. The masked man from the hall ran into the room and nearly tripped over the fallen Klaire.

"What the-?" he snarled holding his bruised ribs with one hand. "You muppet! We were only supposed to be in and out of here!"

Any response was cut off as the lights in the bedroom went out. Casting a shocked look over his shoulder back into the hallway the bruiser burglar saw a dimly silhoutted shape standing in the front doorway, maybe twelve feet tall. Two carmine eyes narrowed at the gaping intruder.

The newcomer tossed something that skidded across the floor with a light clatter. A silent flash of light lit the hallway, blinding the speaker whom had moments ago been squinting at the silhouette. He staggered about for a moment severely disorientated before finding himself tangled in a sticky webbing. A moment later a stun charge left him twitching in an unconcious, sticky heap on the floor.

Though the gunman and his thieving associate had not been as affected as their erstwhile companion they were still trying to clear the spots from their eyes when the burning eyes reached the bedroom. The shape gestured at the thief whom was fumbling for a weapon in the dark. For a split second an atnic flash showed the gunman's associate curled up on the floor in a shuddering foetal position and covered in a black tangle of fibrous strands.

The shape turned its attention to the gunman and his hostage. It seemed to the shock- and fear addled armed man that the newcomer was taller than the dark room would reasonably allow. The pure carmine glow seemed to the last intruder to grow larger, drawing him in...

The gunman pushed away his hostage and the room was filled with the cracks and flashes of a blaster fire striking metal plates. Eventually the gunman fell to his knees, the cracks becoming clicks of an empty clip.

"I didn't mean to. We just wanted the money..." he whimpered.

Dull silver talons plucked the empty blaster from the intruder's hands and looped a metallic over his shoulders and wrists. Tom leant over his wife's still form and breathed a sigh of relief.

The carmine slits looked down at the wounded women and narrowed in anger. Too late, nearly too late.

"Thank you... thank you..."

Yet without intervention the couple would both be dead by now. Clearly that would have to be satisfactory. The security emergency beacon that it had triggered before entering would also bring medical support.

The interloper swept out of the bedroom and vanished into dark hallway.

\./ \./ \./

A security team and a parademic unit arrive a few minutes later. A small crowd had gathered since most of the flat had lost power during the attempted robbery, power returning to local area grid.

The Pearls and the paramedics were loaded into the back of a white Autobot hoverer whilst a mixed security team of transformers and humans asked questions. The team's human captain reviewed a datapad of the statement taken so far.

"What do you make of it?" he asked his towering Autobot lieutenant.

"Ordinarily I'd put it down to a bit of vigelante action, sah," drawled the Autobot. "This complicates things." Both the officers looked at the front of the apartment.

Above the front door a large black hand clearly marked the steelmasonry.

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