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Date Posted: 10:55:08 08/23/01 Thu
Author: Sentator Quill
Subject: "I wonder where he is..."
In reply to: Spy in the Sky... 's message, "The trip to the streets...." on 10:19:18 08/23/01 Thu

It was a lovely day, and myself and the honorable Captian Bantof and I were taking a stroll down the streets of what was to become my new home. It was an amazing place, filled with bustle and hustle of an urban world. Unlike my home planet Stemner-1, where life is relativily slow and cauious. Here everything, the smells, the bots, the sounds, all excited my senses. Yes I was going to love it here, was what I thought when I looked about the wonderful city of Cybertropolis.

The Captain eventually made us stop, I was sad to see, and get something to eat. These Beastformers are such a funny lot, they have to eat food and energon to keep up, while my kind only needs soil, rain, and sun to be happy. Really it is a nice life. I was perplexed however when after ten minutes he did not come out. Now I know at some of the Cafe houses it takes a long time to place an order and even longer to serve some one, but this was a deli of sorts, and the line was moving fast, so I was to a loss as to why he wasn't coming out yet.

I decided that I should check up on him, and after an inquirey I was told that he went out back. For the life of me I have no idea why, but that is where he went. So I followed post haste. Rounding a cornor I soon realized I had no idea where I was going and decided to head back to the shop to place a trasmission to my guards, hoping that they would come and get me. I was upset at the moment, and disgusted at how rude and unappricative the Captain was acting. My attention however was brought back into persective when a large black hover transporter came barreling down the back alley. I screamed and slid against the wall as the trasporter missed me by inches.

I had heard of villans that would kidnap a memeber of the senate for their own sick pleasures, but it never occured to me that I would be a target. I ran as fast as I could but soon was flanked by a group of nasty looking beastformers. Some had weapons even, and looked ready to beat the sap out of me if I moved. Oh why did the Captian leave me alone like this, why didn't I take my guard.

The black trasporter returned, and from inside steped a shadowy figure. He had an elegant way of talking and informed me that I shouldn't move least my life be forfited. He snapped his fingers with a metal clank, and a large rhino like bot grabbed me. I fought as best I could, but I was no match and he hauled me up off the floor where I couldn't kick him or run. I tried to scream but the brute put a hand over to gag me. Then the shadowed figure turned to the transport and said, "Alright, it's show time for you my dear."

The voice that replied made me shiver, "Well it's about time, I was getting cramped in their. These leaves were not ment for being in such hostile enviroments, need I remind you. Oh...Well Well, you must be Sentator Quill. I'm glad to finally met you. I'm your replacement.

My eyes went wide with horror, the being that stood before me looked just like me! I couldn't believe it, excluding her voice, and speech pattern, she resembled me in every way, including my personal cinimon smell that the female of our kind excudes. This bot, for she was a plantformer I could tell by the cuts in her legs, walked up to me, and her assciate waved his hand. My captor nodded, and let my mouth go. I yelled out, "Help me please someone, I'm being kidnapped, help m...."

The rhino coved my mouth again and the shadow figure told me to be silent or he would order his men to cut my throat. I went sill and quite, but I cried. He then looked to my replacement and asked, "Got it?"

"Got it." she purred, then opened her hand to show me a strange device. It was silver and black, had a black circle and a bent wire attached to a red thin rectangle. She smiled and put it in her mouth. Bending her head back she put the top of the item on the roof of her mouth with her tounge, and then attached the rectangle to the back of her teeth. The shadowy figure told her to swallow. She did, three times, then smiled.

"Worked like a charm boss. So what do you think, your grace, do I sound like you or not?"

She sounded almost perfectly like me, only those closest to me wouldn't be able to tell the difference. And here on this planet I was close to no one, not even my guards. I was suddenly very scared. To scared for words even. But some how I musted up the corage to shout. "You'll never get away with this. Some one will stop you, and you'll be thrown to the Sharkticons!"

She sounded board, "Uh-huh, and that will happen like never. Sorry toots, but now I'm running the show, and well, it's never say die time for me. And lights out for you.

Then she sprayed me with something, I don't know what, but everything from that point on was blank, and my world went dark.

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