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Date Posted: 15:29:57 01/30/03 Thu
Author: Dinotron and Talamac
Subject: "Bugs ahoy!"
In reply to: The Swarm 's message, "Biblical plague..." on 15:07:45 01/30/03 Thu

Talamac yelled out and pointed as Dinotron followed with a glance. Hundreds upon hundreds of gigantic bugs were landing on the the streets, and the two just stood by and watched.

What d oyou suppose we should do?

I say it's time to kick some bug ass! Dinotron responded with a yell.

They nodded at eachother, and then both began running towards the deepest concentration of the bugs. Dinotron was the first of the two to reach a bug, and quickly, he hoped on it's back.

Ride'um buggy!!!

The Swarm drone began to flail about, trying to get the Cybertronian off it's back. It was like a cowboy of the ancient west, riding a bull, and Dinotron was good at it. Dinotron held out his left hand, and the spikes on his kuncles began to grow. As soon as they were an appropriate length, Dinoton thrust them into the bug's head, causing it to explode, and flinging Dinotron away.

Talamac was next. Talamac was quite a nibble chimp, and quickly reaching for his weapon, which happend to be an energy charged whip, went streaming through a mass of bugs, swipping away, taking off limbs, and heads, and wings of evey bug. Soon, Talamac was face to face with one of the bugs, and as it began to buzz, Talamac rushed at it, and leeping over it, skillfully cracked his whip, and got it to wrap around the bugs neck attachment, and with a flip of the wrist, the whip lash tightend aorund it's neck, cutting the head straight off.

Talamac landed carfully, flipping like a ninja as he landed. Dinotron ran to meet him, and the two looked for more targets, and began the assualts all over again. They weren't taking the streets without a fight.

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