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Date Posted: 07:37:14 02/12/03 Wed
Author: Maudlin
Subject: "Generals schmenerals..."
In reply to: To Take Hand 's message, "Shaper" on 17:28:05 02/06/03 Thu

"Sonny, don't you see what's happening out there? You think we have time to listen to wild theories from some 'mysterious cloaked figure' with an excess of convenient advantageous advice? Why in my day an Autobot lived or died by the amount of juice left in his blaster or the fortitude of his brother-in-arms. I think that quiet 'bot has the right idea," he said, gesturing over his shoulder to Fulcrumm whose drill bit had snapped off on the drone's tougher hide and who was now discovering bootjets as he evading the draining proboscis.

"Talk of generals is all well and good, but we're on the home front son; slag, we don't even know WHERE these things came from. In my early years there was a rumor about some Autobot scientist who was experimenting with....ah this isn't the time to bore you with useless details! To wait for our government to tell us what's going on or mount a proper counter-assault. I'm not even going to idle my engine waiting for some "Matrix ex Machina" to wipe out evil.

I didn't get to be this old by being a coward, technorganic, and I don't need advice on confrontation from some upstart alley-lurker. Don't listen to him son. The best way to survive is to face this problem head--AHAHHHAHAHHAGHHGGH!!!!!"

The elder Autobot's ramblings were cut off now as a long, glowing bit of metal was now rammed squarely through the center of his left leg. As Shaper and T3-Zero watched, the leg itself shimmered, becoming almost liquid as it flowed back into the Swarm Drone that had impaled the veteran. Maudlin fell back against the wall, melted metal dripping from where his leg had been, and began fumbling for the blaster at his side....

"I'm running in quicksand; something's haunting me."
-Megadeth, Insomnia

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