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Date Posted: 20:18:16 04/01/03 Tue
Author: Fulcrumm
Subject: Twenty seconds before tragedy....
In reply to: Lieutenant Gabriel Michaels 's message, ""Appreciate the lift, Autobot. Name's Michaels...."" on 16:00:51 03/30/03 Sun

....the Micromaster was zipping not far behind his friend, discovering his boots' wheels had a variable electromagnetic setting allowing it to grasp any surface. Fulcrumm was leaping, rolling on debris, even skimming the sides of downed transports. Fulcrumm was having FUN, in the midst of the destruction caused by the invading force. The joy and freedom of movement, being up on the surface highways, even rolling in action with Maudlin after all these years though unrecognized as the Autobot's old comrade-in-arms, filled him with renewed vigor.

Fifteen seconds before tragedy, the crimson visor of his armor began flashing, relaying glowing amorphous masses directly to his optic sensors. The language was vaguely Nebulan, and though Fulcrumm was somewhat well versed in it, found he could only make out certain words. The mystery of the dialect would have to wait as he registered the shapes as being the heat signatures of Swarmdrones below the elevated highway, engaging in a matter-energy conversion.

Ten seconds before tragedy, Fulcrumm was already accessing schematics of the armor, utilizing the built-in visor feed to scan the visuals if not the text. A comparison of his own joints and the armor components told him all he needed to know.

Five seconds before tragedy Fulcrumm was leaping behind Maudlin, his fingertips magnetized to his hips even as a metal foil filled the gap between his arms. His legs bent around backwards until his feet were flat against the small of his back, and the triangular negative space between his legs was soon occupied by more sheets of metal, forming fins. Now a flattened out glider, twin tether-lines shot from beneath his torso.

As Maudlin drove over the edge, plummeting with his human passenger, two metal cylinders latched on to his roof, trailing cables attached to a small thin glider. Retracting these lines, Fulcrumm was soon in direct contact with the roof of the van, and the now winged vehicle continued to fall.

Five seconds after tragedy was averted, a winged van glided in a controlled descent to a lower roadway as the Swarm menace continued....

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