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Date Posted: 11:51:23 07/25/01 Wed
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: Lord Lye-Onitron mumbled to Hegemon as he headed towards his office.

He stalked down the hall as if he was the ruler of the senate, ignoring any individuals that happened to be in the hall at the time. Some human had gone by a bit ago and he didn't much care to see more of the weaklings parading their pride throughout Cybertron, but such was the life of a politician...one must put up with things that others never put up with.

As he approached his office, Kit made sure to open and hold the door for him as he stepped in and went into his private quarters.

Inside he reclined on a chair and yawned. Not a yawn of exhaustion but one of uncaring confidence. He had a lot of work to do and only he was this good at doing it.

He fired off several messages to his friends in the military. He made sure to send a response to sector 2-3 immediately. He acknowledged another message that he had waiting concerning a the adventures of a young Sinbad. He was a flurry of activity and then reached his final piece.

He had to word this correctly if this was to work at all. He hated speaking to the old bag but if she involved herself in this of her own accord...

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