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Date Posted: 12:54:30 07/25/01 Wed
Author: Lady Eulogy
Subject: The blue blur/Blurr raced into the building...

...with the Senator in his arms. Bystanders not knowledgable of the politicians in the very building might've thought them a couple—Eulogy was one of the youngest of the diplomats, and Blurr had fought off many a suitor after her fuel pump (he'd done the same to assassins after the same thing [in a different sense] as well, but that's not the point). Blurr shut off his jets and skid to a stop, his skating done for now. Still holding the Senator, he shoved an elevator button with his elbow as Senator Schism and Maritime walked in.

"You know, I've always hated this floor pattern." Schism complained as he stared at the floor while slung over Maritime's shoulder. The burly bodyguard merely grunted, tired of Schism's ranting for the day. The pair of protectors entered the elevator, both carrying their clients.


"How often do you clean this shell?! It smells like...a shell!"

"I'm not going to dignify that with comment."

The elevator came to their floor. The quartet (with only two on the ground) walked out and went to their seperate quarters.

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