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Date Posted: 19:53:18 09/05/01 Wed
Author: Lady Embyr
Subject: Embyr seemed to be drumming her brittle fingers idly on the arm of her hoverchair...
In reply to: Lady Embyr 's message, ""Things seem to have....calmed, somewhat...."" on 14:49:27 08/26/01 Sun

Decius quietly continued his own work as the two waited word that it was safe to go to the meeting. One or two senators may already have been on their way, but as yet no official word had really been given.

Yet Embyr, despite her years, her seeming frailty, was rarely idle; now was no different. She was in fact composing a message, piece by piece, responding to an earlier tip from Lye-Onitron.

Lye-Onitron--Embyr had barely had contact with the Maximal since returning to Cybertron, but found his surety and arrogance extremely unbearable. He spoke plainly, and was frustratingly right more often than not, but the truths he spoke, and the individuals to whom he chose to speak them to, that was his true manipulation. No deception. No artifice. His motives were out in the open for any to see but so complex in its simplicity was his chess game, that the obvious was often missed.

Embyr rubbed fleks of rust off the bridge of her nose; mixing metaphors while pondering her fellow senator was wearying. Lye was manipulating her, and had assumed correctly that she'd have a connection with the AOD. But what was in it for him? Lye had serious connections with Cybertron's military, and had probable knowledge if not influence in any recon mission launched by Cybertron. Why bring in the separatist organization on Charr? Was he testing her loyalty to the Senate, to Cybertron? Embyr wasn't entirely sure what the Senate's official stand was on the AOD, if any. She did realize that in the dawn of rebuilding, any independent groups, beneficial or otherwise, would be looked upon suspicioiusly.

So Embyr merely keyed out a friendly message to an old friend. The message would of course be scutinized by official and unofficial parties as it passed on to the relay satellites surrounding Cybertron. Let them. They would find nothing of interest; just the ramblings of an old lady.

She triple-checked her message, pondered her course of action for a moment, then keyed the 'send' button.

"I've done what you wanted. I'm just as interested to see where this turn of events leads, but I won't be your scapegoat. You'll soon find a missle or two in good working order on THESE battered wings....

She noticed Decius looking at her as she sat in thought, and unconsciously went back to strumming the arm of her chair, this time a true nervous activity in itself. It had been a quiet day thus far in some regards and in others, anything but...

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