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Date Posted: 22:35:57 03/11/07 Sun
Author: Jim Bevan
Subject: Hope my review doesn't "Rainn" on anyone's parade.
In reply to: Jim Bevan 's message, "Thanks Prateek. I'll try to have my review up tomorrow." on 21:15:01 03/09/07 Fri

See, because the host is named Rainn, and it's a play on... ugh. I'm glad that pun-outlawing bill I wrote about is only an act of fiction, or else I'd be sent to Guantanamo for that horrible line. Well, before the feds come to lock me away, here's my review.

Monologue: As I said earlier, this was a great one. Rainn's harsh words towards the critics of "The Office" were good, and there were some clever Brit-bashing lines. Plus, the items on his list of things to do were hilariously absurd, especially the last one where he'd get a sex change and repeat them all. That was a wonderful kicker.

You Didn't F***in' Know That Already 1-3: Sorry, but I didn't think too much of these. They were too celebrity-oriented, too short, and kind of lacking in any real humor. Plus, and this is just my opinion, there was no reason to use Billy Bob Thornton, he didn't do anything for the piece. I think this could have worked with just a regular guy going up to people and asking them simple things they should know (like one of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution), then when they fail to show they possess that knowledge, berating them in a comical, condescending manner. But again, that's just my opinion.

Continuing Adventures of Hours and Minutes: This lacked the punch of the first one, sad to say. The "Bad Pun Here" didn't need to be carried over from the last one; I think a different meta-referential humor line could have been used. Plus, there was a little too much vulgarity for my liking, and for a cop parody, it didn't have any cop-related humor. Sorry.

A Message from Mitt Romney: A little too short, and the big punchline at the end didn't have the kick. The whole "Mormons love to screw multiple women" angle has been overdone. It could have worked if it had poked more fun at Romney's political viewpoints.

The Call of Warning: A good, absurd piece. I like the notion of someone's future self jerking them around and making them freak out, only to have the past actions then affect the guy in the future. Plus the fact that Stanforde is violating the laws of time just to get a mini-fridge was a nice touch. I have to know, was this inspired in part by the South Park episode where Cartman travels into the future then tries to contact his past self to prevent it?

Well, that's another late, but complete review. On a side note, I just wanted to say that I hope I haven't been hogging the Cold Openings this season. Take care, all.

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