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Date Posted: 20:08:07 03/19/07 Mon
Author: Prateek S.
Subject: 2 for 1 “Rainn"y Day Special
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "REVIEWS: Rainn Wilson 02/24/07" on 13:48:49 03/06/07 Tue

That's right folks, I'll give not just the Rainn Wilson episode but the Forest Whitaker one as well. Asleep at the reviewing wheel? I think not!

Forest Whitaker:
CO: Excellent CO, Jim. A great satirical jab at all the media nonsense surrounding us right now. The predictions were well written as they were crystal clear of each event, the astronaut one was my favorite. And of course the ending really wrapped the humor up quite nicely. He was only kidding about the predictions... but oh boy was he wrong!

Monologue: Not bad, Jim. For a Q and A monologue it had it's slow points but for the most part it was quite good. The final question bit was hilarious, (black celebrity balls website) Great use of Robert Smigel by the way, and I highly recommend the Best of TV Funhouse if you don't already have it. Hilarious and Genius comedy by Robert Smigel. Honestly this guy's the man and I don't think the industry has given him his dues. Did you know that he barely gets any royalties for all that Triumph merchandise. Wow!

MFL: I remember this from last year! It's a great idea Mark, but I think it could have been executed better. Get some interviews with a player or 2 and I would have expanded Al Pacino's dialogue make him really psychotic over the midgets.

Bob Dylan: This was a so-so piece. I laughed at the bit Maritn Scorsese and Bob Dylan's lines. But for me, the problem was that some of the references went over my head and I think the piece went all over the place without really taking off. That kind of happens with celebrity interview type pieces which is why I avoid. But nonetheless it was a good effort.

Hours and Minutes: Solid Sketch Mark. It was a great jab at the hacky cliché style of comedy that infiltrates Buddy Cop films. I especially liked the chief's frustration as Forest would probably make a great straightman!

Swear Jar: I just remember going to a friend's house and finding a swear jar in the living room. I thought it would be funny to have a family get into an argument over the useless swear jar. Initially, I wanted this done for the Drew Barrymore episode, Drew could play the bitchy mom who gets wild and crazy. Will Forte originally played the dad, but after not finishing it in time, I realized Forest could do a good job, but Kenan wouldn't make a good son and who would play the mother. So what resulted was an interracial family! It just became a surreal piece and that die in a fire line came about because it was just so random. Who the hell would actually tell someone to die in a fire?

Ugly American: This was an okay sketch, Jim. I think it did drag on and a couple of the scenarios were flat. I did enjoy the scene in Turkey(great use of Smigel) and the tribesman bit with Forest Whitaker. Ovearall, it was a decent idea but execution could have been better.
Rehab: Eh, I wasn't a fan of this piece. I didn't get some of the references and the overbearing celebrity in rehab jokes fell flat. Sorry.

Idi Amin: How can you lose with a Garrett Morris cameo? I loved how Bill Hader couldn't recognize and Lorne's frustration with him. But then again I am sucker for backstage/breaking character/fourth wall type humor. And I realize that these sketches can be difficult to do but when executed properly they can be really hilarious and that is what we have here!

Rainn Wilson:
Wow not a lot for the Office Co-star. SNL certainly beat us by a long shot this week, but still here’s the update.

Policing Puns: I’m not a fan of puns but I think that was the point of this skit. To point out the stupidity and hacky-ness of puns was a good angle and provided some laughs. Overall, I think it may have gotten bogged down a bit with too many puns but still a decent cold opening.

Monologue: I actually had this idea for awhile. Have a host read their screwed up to-do list. It's an easy monologue and since Rainn has the right amount of absurdity it would be perfect for him! I also thought I would address all the haters of the American Office. I’m really don’t think they are comparable, each one is funny in their own way. But really ticks me off are the British fans who won’t even give the show a chance!

You Didn’t Fucking Know That Already? Parts 1-3: I don’t know why but I cannot picture Rainn Wilson as the BBT. I think one long PSA would have worked better. Each one of these were too short and kind of choppy to provide any real humor.

Hours and Minutes Part II: Hours and Minutes was good the first time around but now the joke was kind of played out. The therapist really didn’t add much to the sketch, I would have played around with him a bit more and that would have made the sketch funnier.

WU: This may sound harsh, but this was a bland update and yeah I know I have not been submitting to update. I did laugh at the Legend of Zelda Peta joke and the Number 23 joke. The Al Pacino piece just fell
completely flat. I didn’t even understand the Ed Asner piece; he said some weird sex lines about celebrities and that wasn’t funny to me.

Message from Mitt Romney: Not bad, Mark. It built up to one gag and in my opinion, it could have been expanded a bit more. So again, you have some great ideas but the execution can improve.

Call of Warning: To answer your question Jim, I guess I was inspired by that whole story-line drama(going back into the past to fix something). Anyways, Rainn and Fred should have great chemistry and I just wanted to do another absurd piece. The mini-fridge bit was a last minute inclusion because I wanted to give Rainn some more lines. I'm glad you liked it Jim, because the main dialogue of this skit will be acted out for small talent show, I will play Fred’s part while someone else will perform Rainn’s bit backstage. It is a bit shortened of course but hey that’s live theater for you!

Okay so hey here’s 2 reviews to tide everyone over. Hopefully, some more writers can contribute reviews on some episodes.

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