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Date Posted: 20:30:28 04/23/07 Mon
Author: Evan D.
Subject: This review thing ain't so bad!
In reply to: Al Mitrovic 's message, "My review as per requested" on 19:53:48 04/23/07 Mon

Having been stung by Jim's occasional confusion and general malaise at the result of many of my skits, I have been hesitant to do a review. But I was too busy with school to conjure up skits or even WU jokes for this one so it's a neutral standpoint. Here goes:

Thank God You're Here-Yes, just based on commercials I've seen, this show needs spoofing. But the real SNL might lay off since so many of its ex-stars and current stars are no better than the ones who show up. It's not like Jason Sudekis, Amy Poehler and co. are so much better than these guys. Anyway, this skit had some decent lines but the emphasis on a racist Imus was quite unsubtle which killed it for me. David Allan Grier's a bad host? I wouldn't know having never seen it because he was a good SNL host and was one of the better ILC cast members.

Cold Opening-This was a really sharp, witty monologue. I only wish this could've been used for the real one by Shia. He gets in some good shots here at well-deserving targets like Transformer fans, the obvious parallel plot of "Disturbia" to "Rear Window," Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as well as Family Guy (pale imitation of what it once was). Good work on this one!

Peyton Manning for Condoms-Good football metaphors here and it seems natural to have Peyton addressing paternity suits and illegitemate kids with sports groupies. Even though he hasn't done that, he seems like a good spokesperson for it because of his charisma. This was good, but it could've been fleshed out more to make it even more funny like having Peyton talk about a teammate who suffered through the problem because he forgot to wear condoms. A line like "He denied it but it turned out to be true, kinda like the Michael Jackson song 'Billie Jean'... except he's not innocent... and he's not a 25-year old virgin like Whacko Jacko!" Still, a good short ad.

Shrimp on the Barry-This was an odd one, but in a good way. Taking a subject as strange as cooking shrimp and their anatomy was interesting. It wasn't LOL hilarious, but some lines were really just too much, especially about shrimp dicks. A unique one for sure!

A Look Through the Eyes of George Bush-Meh, pretty short considering it's another skit about Bush's wandering mind and child-like behaviour. If it were broken into several parts spread out across the show, it might have been more relevant and amusing. Other than that, pretty dull I hate to say.

WU-Hard to make jokes as good as the current crew, but this holds up nicely. I have found it quite difficult to make stuff that could rival the real WU, so WU never disappoints my expectations.

Elmer Fudd's Countwy Cwooning-This just got funnier as it went on. It's a bit like Buh-weet sings but different. You were on a roll for this show, Jim. It is one of the rare skits, not just on snlyou but transcripts in general, that makes you lol when you read it. Best line came after he sings "Hey Good Wookin'" (reminds me of Buckwheat's "Wookin' pa Nub": "As wong as it doesn't have any daiwy in it. I'm howwibwy wactose intolewant. Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh." Awesome! A real nice twist to have it with a throw-in Marvin the Martian CD. This would actually be a great bit on the real SNL, IMO. A definite best of 06-07 candidate and one of my faves from this season... not written by me of course! Haha, I kid I kid.

Lucas Goes off the Deep End-There was some really good dialogue going on and to have him go nuts at the end was weird, but funny. Especially since he begs everyone from lenny Pickett to the camera guy in an inspired bit of 70s experimentation I must say! The phone call part reminds me of the humour of a friend of mine, to say such things and then laugh about it cause you were pretending once the other person is all worked up. It has actually given me a flashback to write a skit upon, something my friend and I made up as a prank phone call idea.

Backstage at SNY-This was alright, but not terribly funny. The names were pretty good, but the most creative and best one was Keenan calling him Shooah Labia-buffer. Decent, I'll give you that.

Stinging to a Kill-Having Sting and the Police in a Bond skit could be amusing, but here it is negated by all those cheesy lines. Just throwing phrases and song titles doesn't=automatic funny. To have Sting as the villian and the whole dialogue revolve around his music... meh. It would've been way funnier if the lines were about his yoga, his tantric sex and his long time sabbatical from his bandmates (since they never officially broke up). Me no likey this one, I'm afraid. And as for Al, he uses the "Money for Nothing" line because Sting sings that song with Dire Straits. There, I at least defended MJR III on that facet of it!

Ode to a Ten Foot Schlong-Usually a skit about a ten foot schlong would be pretty crass and cheap. But to have it be honoured in the work of a poet is a smart and super technique. It was short and to the point... ooo, without realizing it I think I just used a metaphor to describe a penis! It kind of reminded me of great brief bits in the past like Walken doing "Boulevard of Broken Balls." Another nice touch was how he scratched out 5 because it wasn't impressive. Well done, much better than the Bush thing!

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