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Date Posted: 00:20:41 05/07/07 Mon
Author: Evan D.
Subject: Re: Your NBC producers sketch was good, Evan.
In reply to: Jim Bevan 's message, "Your NBC producers sketch was good, Evan." on 17:20:25 05/06/07 Sun

Well, first off I understand where you're coming from. Celebrity stuff gets tedious, but I enjoyed writing it so I figured why not get down the ideas when I have them. And the end of the Dean Martin one was less a pop culture time warp than a tribue to SCTV, plus I got some shots in at the then-fledgling SNL in the mid-70s. The OCD/Turrets bit is for consistency so I can give the news show one or two themes of mental disorder. BUT... the people will all have different ways of showing it (someone washing their hands with soap, starting over again if they mess up just a bit, trying to shuffle their papers perfectly , not walk in cracks on the studio floor, etc.).

And the best way to rationalize a news show like that would be if some guy yells "And that's a wrap" but it turns out he's using an imaginary camera and the show was just the figment of the imagination of all the mental patients and when the doctors/nurses come to check up on them in the middle of the night, they drop everything and go back to during their normal business. IOW, they were putting it on in order to amuse themselves and the other patients even though their disorders and illnesses just made it difficult to pull it off. It'll be one of thoser quirky off-the-wall things with a feel good sort of touch that says "Even the mentally ill need some fun and escapist humour!" Yeah, I like these ideas actually so I think I'll go with it.

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  • Oh and about your sketches -- Evan D., 00:25:43 05/07/07 Mon
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