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Subject: Re: Alice in the Wall

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Date Posted: 21:19:13 07/12/01 Thu
In reply to: 2%David 's message, "Alice in the Wall" on 12:22:48 07/10/01 Tue

Actually I haven't tried it with earphones, the reason being that I like to keep the movie volume on just below the album volume, perhaps I will try it with earphones.

The Mother/Walrus and Carpenter scene is best in my opinion, because the lyrics match-up with what's going on. "Mother should I trust the government"--Just as they show the Walrus is one example. (The carpenter and walrus thing is a parable with the carpenter representing the working class and the walrus representing the ruling class.)
Nowhere else in the movie do the lyrics match up this well, which is why I think it is the best part.

I stand behind my rating, after watching it nearly 5 times since it was so highly recomended by so many, but I am also interested and open to the variations, including the earphone one, if a variation should prove to change my mind, I won't hesitate to make you all aware.

By the way, I am glad you have all decided to use this forum to disagree with me, that is why I have included it, so so many can state their own opinions about syncs, not merely post them but to also recomend or warn about them.


PS Lately I have been preoccupied and unable to post some reviews, but I will add some soon. I always watch a sync at least 3 times before deciding on a rating, this has already led me to change my opinion since I am now on my tenth view of Show Truman The Wall, and my idea about how good it is varies each time.

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Re: Alice in the WallHaPpY DuDe05:38:11 05/21/03 Wed

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