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Date Posted: 19:51:47 06/17/01 Sun
Author: rhonda
Subject: court

since you have power of attorney can oyu check to see if we can get a legal aid lawyer or get greg back. i want to get this in court as soon as possible. i am checking down here about a restraining order, i also got wayne the address of where to pick up a packet requestinglegal aid for here.

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[> Legal aid lawyer -- Mom, 11:36:06 06/18/01 Mon

The way it worked last time was that I typed the papers up, got Wayne's signature notarized, and Wayne filed them with the court himself. Then at the first court hearing the judge appointed Greg as a court appointed attorney. I'll try to call him now.

As far as legal aid, I don't know what they will do since you live out of state - even if it is an Ohio case. When you try to call them, you get a recorder and they are supposed to call back. But it takes forever for them to call back. But I'll try to call them.

Have you heard anything back from Michelle since you sent her an e-mail?


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[> [> michele -- rhonda, 17:38:12 06/18/01 Mon

i have not heard from michele yet. the kids got a package of toys from martha and jacob today so i figure martha will call by the weekend. i wonder if bobbi has called jacob and told them she moved. i doubt they know since bobbi called the kids from the red cross where she works. the only thing i could not figure out was that chris was on the phone with the kids too and it was almost 9:30 their time. what was she doing at work that late with chris there?

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[> [> [> Red Cross? -- Mom, 21:21:59 06/18/01 Mon

Is that where she told she works? I wonder what she could be doing for the Red Cross?

I left a message for Greg to call, too. But - of course - he didn't call back. I really don't like him. When Martha calls ask her if she was able to ask her attorney if would be willing to represent you guys in court.

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[> [> [> [> red cross -- rhonda, 16:00:34 06/20/01 Wed

She told Savannah on the phone she was a secretary or an office manager. She said she files paperwork, answers the phone, and makes appointments for cpr classes. i did get the phone number to give to child support agency. I told my boss about her moving and she said it looked to her that as soon as the child support people found her she moved to avoid them plus she moved when she was supposed to have the kids without informing us of the move so either scenario does not look good on her part. Wayne says to tell you Hi!!

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[> [> [> [> [> Secretary or Office Manager? -- Mae, 09:08:18 06/21/01 Thu

That must be a joke! There is no way Bobbi Jo could make it as either one! If they hired her, look for her to be changing jobs - real soon! She doesn't have what it takes for that kind of job. Trust me - I know. I've worked in offices way too long and I know people like her just can't make the grade! It would take a change of her whole personality and attitude!

Give my son a big hug for me - and tell him to give you one back for me. And hug my grandbabies and tell them it's from Gramma Mae! I love all of you so much!

Guess what? The one cop they led me to believe lied and said he saw me being disorderly, using profanity, and resisting arrest - which is not true - told me he did NOT tell them that - that he told them he could NOT testify that he saw any such thing. SO! Shirley said maybe they were telling me that to try to get me to back down. But I didn't. The prosecutor 'offered' to drop the resisting arrest if I would plead guilty to disorderly conduct. I told my attorney to tell the prosecutor I am not going to say I'm guilty of anything I am not guilty of - so we go to court next Friday.

In the meantime - I'm trying to work on the trailer. Sonny, one of the guys I worked with at SCOPE, went over to see it - and called me to tell me that when he leaned against the trailer it shocked him. (What a shocking experience!) Anyway I got a guy to check it out. Whoever had it last put in a 220 outlet for an air conditioner - and there was a place about an inch and a half long on the wiring where the rubber on it was completely peeled off and touching the metal under the trailer. I just had him disconnect the outlet since my air conditioner is not 220. He also checked out the breakers so the trailer now has all new plumbing and the electricity is safe. He's also going to move three of the fans from here to there for me. The ceilings are a lot lower so he may have to leave the light fixtures off - so the taller ones (my dear sons) won't get whacked in the head everytime they walk through the trailer. Now if I can just figure out how to get carpet in it! I've got at least until November before I have to move out of the house - but I really don't want to take that long if I don't have to!

Talk to you later. Love ya all!

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