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Subject: Working Splash

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Date Posted: 14:13:57 12/15/02 Sun

Susan swung into Splash’s saddle and patted the colt’s sleek coat. He seemed eager to go as he tossed his elegant head. She squeezed firmly and he arched his glossy neck. She laughed as she applied a slight pressure and the colt came on the bit. “Who cares what they all thought?” Susan muttered, thinking of the critics who had said the paint colt would never be a good dressage horse. She pushed him through some corners, helping him develop good bend. She worked him through some serpentines, pleased with his responsive and light movement. She touched him lightly with her legs and he moved into a steady, smooth trot. Susan had recently taught Splash some collecting and he seemed to be doing pretty well with it. She closed her fingers on the reins and reduced her posting to very tiny posts. He shortened his stride and tucked his head closer to his chest. “Good boy!” She praised lavishly, urging him back into a medium trot. “Alright, Splash, are we ready for some extended work.” She cooed, patting the colt. He had recently turned 3 y/o and was a true dream to ride. She exaggerated her posting and tightened the reins while pushing him on with her legs. He stretched out his stride until he was gliding over the ground. As he went through a corner, Susan tapped him with her outside leg. He launched into a smooth, rocking canter and she sat easily to it. He was such a good horse! She moved into 2-point in the huntseat saddle and guided him around the circle. He was still getting used to having her in this position, versus her sitting in his saddle. She absorbed his movement through her ankles and supported herself nicely. She kept a firm contact and slowed him to a walk, settling back into the saddle. She gave him the reins and shortened her stirrups a touch. She urged Splash into a steady trot and guided him up centerline. She pushed him over the three ground poles she had set up. He high stepped over them, looking almost comical. She turned back and took him over them a few more times until he just glided easily over him. “Good job!” She praised proudly, patting his black and white coat. She rode him over to a trail to the galloping meadow. They moved swiftly along until the reached the meadow. Susan gave Splash his head and he roared into a gallop, eager to go. They seemed part of the elegant nature scene as they galloped fleetly across the meadow. After a few minutes, they headed back to the barn, completely happy.

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