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Subject: Working with Gracie!

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Date Posted: 14:07:51 12/15/02 Sun

Susan walked over to a stall with a shiny new nameplate saying ‘Gracie’. She opened the door and the cute chestnut yearling butted her gently. “Well, I see that you are warming up to me.” Susan said affectionately, stroking the filly’s neck. She clipped a lead rope to the Holsteiner’s halter and led her out of the barn. They headed down the trail together, walking calmly. They had been doing this together for days and now Gracie seemed relaxed with her, maybe even enjoying their outings. Susan jogged alongside the filly, who trotted easily along with big smooth strides. Soon, they were at the beach. Susan stopped when she saw the brilliant sunset, gleaming on the horizon. She sat down and Gracie looked at her quizically. “Isn’t it lovely, Gracie?” Susan said, smiling at the filly. Gracie snorted and then jerked the lead rope through her hands. “Gracie…” Susan warned as the filly danced just out of reach. Suddenly, Susan got an idea. She turned and started to walk down the trail, leaving the filly behind. Gracie stood there, looking puzzled. Seconds later, she thundered after Susan and stopped in front of her owner. “About time you got here.” Susan joked, patting the filly’s neck and continuing down the trail. Gracie jogged alongside her all the way back to the barn.
Susan led Gracie out to the arena. The filly was different than any other horse she had ever trained. She was such a one person horse that she wouldn’t let anyone else touch her. She was almost like Cobalt in that manner… Susan smiled and hooked a lunge line to the filly. She started Gracie on a 20 meter circle and then put her through her paces. “Good girl.” She praised, halting the adorable Holsteiner. She picked up the saddle she had set out and carefully sat the saddle pad on the filly’s back. Gracie trembled slightly and laid her head over Susan’s shoulder. She patted the filly reasuringly. Gracie snorted as Susan slowly settled the saddle onto her back. She tightened the girth slowly and then let Gracie get used to the feeling. The filly tossed a slight buck and then settled into a walk. She had adjusted easily, almost surprisingly easily. Susan was now curious. She unhooked the lunge line and took off the filly’s saddle. She walked around the arena and Gracie stayed by her side the whole way. “Unbelievable.” Susan muttered, she had never trained a filly who was so attached to her. She led Gracie back to the barn and gave her a thorough and loving grooming.

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