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Subject: Training Starman, my colt

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Date Posted: 00:34:23 12/16/02 Mon

I went to Riverman's first foal in the paddock. I held the halter behind my back and smiled. Starman came cantering towards me since he knew me very well. His canter was very graceful. Starman has top olympic potential and will probably beat all of his brothers and sisters. Even though he is a Holsteiner/Hanoverian cross. Starman came upto me and nuzzled my shoulder. After he nuzzled my shoulder he stood back, looking at me like he wanted to play. I moved the halter around so it faced Starman and i moved it towards him. Just in front so he could smell it. He sniffed it and curously went forward. I let him sniff it for a while then i soughta put it on his head, i didnt buckle it up though. He shook it off and i knew it wasnt going to be easy training him in halter. I thought that was enough for today and patted Starman, i gave him a carrot and he munched it happily. I went out of the paddock, partly glad because he liked the halter, partly sad because it was going to be hard.

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