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Subject: Dressage with Fahlin Rain Drops (Rain)

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Date Posted: 05:29:08 12/16/02 Mon

The now 2 year old mare was working well under saddle but had a long way to go until she would be a high level dressage horse. After grooming and saddling Rain, I mounted and walked her to the indoor arena. I warmed her up by working her at both a walk and a trot for 5 mins or so and then began to school her. I walked her in figures around the ring, such as serpentines, circles and figure 8s. I encouraged her to extend her stride and perform and extended walk by using a bit of leg pressure. She was a little surprised by this sudden pressure and seemed a little unsure of what to do. I normally rode her with a bit of leg but the pressure was normally constant. I liked to use leg as it would help her to learn that I did not need to work her off the mouth and therefore she would not fight, making her mouth hard. After a few mins of coaxing, she got the idea, and extended her stride. I then tried to keep her at ths for a few more circles. I then brought her back to a regular working walk and once again asked her to extend. She did it much faster this time. I continued to practise this again and again, until she learnt t do it on command. I then worked her at a canter in some more figures, then cooled her down. I dismounted, untacked and turned her out for the afernoon.

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