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Subject: Breaking Crystals Dream (Dream) to Saddle (step 7)

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Date Posted: 05:30:31 12/16/02 Mon

I slipped into his stall, gave my 1 year old Arabian colt a groom and then clipped on a lead rope. I lead him to the saddling area where I tied him up with a quick release knot and then saddled him in a full saddle complete with stirrup leathers and irons (crossed over the saddle). I then walked him to the schooling ring and began to lunge him. He moved energetically around me while I worked him at all gaits. When I was warmed up I brought him in and my friend Alice (a lightweight jockey) walked over to him. She let him sniff her and when he was ready she walked over to the saddle and after several half tries, she mounted him, lying over the saddle. Dream was not afraid as he had got this far before. I held the side of his halter and led him around with Alice still lying on her belly. I then halted him again and Alice gently moved into an upright regular riding position. Dream took a few steps forward because of the movement in the saddle but once he realised it would not hurt him. He halted again. I asked him to then move forward again and he tentatively walked on. He soon relaxed and once he had grown use to Alice’s weight moving as he did, his strides returned to normal. After a few circles, I brought to him to a halt and alice dismounted. I then gave him the command to trot and then canter and completed the workout with work in extended, working and collected trots. I then walked him for a few more mins until he was cool, gave him a pat, unsaddled him and turned him out for the rest of the day.

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