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Subject: Working with Shining!

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Date Posted: 10:42:27 12/21/02 Sat

Susan swung into the saddle and gathered the reins in her fingers. She pushed Shining into a walk on a loose rein. The red roan mare stretched nicely and Susan smiled. The TB had nice gaits and was very responsive. Susan collected the reins and bent Shining on some circles. After a 20 minute warm up, the mare was moving nicely both directions at walk, trot, and canter. Susan urged her into an easy canter and popped over a few 2’ fences as warm up. The TB jigged down the trail towards the advanced XC course. Susan cued for a canter and Shining moved lightly towards the hanging log, a 4’ obstacle. The mare leapt boldly over it, tossing her red and white mane excitedly. “Good girl!” Susan praised, touching her lightly with her legs. The mare broke into a hand gallop and jumped eagerly over the corner fence. Susan kept perfect position as they soared over the corner fence and the ski jump. They took each jump in the course easily. Shining seemed so eager to go as they finished the course that Susan decided to take her for gallop in the meadow. She kept the mare on a comfortable contact until they reached the meadow. Then, Shining burst into a gallop, at her rider’s signal, and thundered over the grassy earth. The TB settled into a fast, smooth gallop, keeping her stride long and powerful. Susan let her run until the mare slowed down. They winded down the trail back to the barn.
Susan led Shining to the arena and clipped the lunge line onto the spirited mare. Her red roan coat glittered in the pale morning sunlight as she walked on a circle. Susan put the mare through her gaits before guiding her over some 2’ – 3’6” jumps. The mare soared over them, landing lightly after each one. “Good girl!” Susan praised, patting the mare as she slowed down. Shining tossed her sleek mane and pranced elegantly along. Susan led her back out to a paddock and turned her out with Delilah, Feather, and Witch. The mare raced around the paddock, tail flagged and neck arched. The other mares followed, the four of them flying over the terrain. Susan leaned against the gate and smiled. Mike walked over and laid his arm over her shoulder. “Let’s go on a trail ride.” He said softly. She grinned and shoved him, before running into the barn to get ready for their ride!

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