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Subject: Trail ride with Mike!

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Date Posted: 13:57:16 12/21/02 Sat

Susan opened Zoe’s stall door and led the filly out. She danced on the lead rope, tossing her head and nipping playfully. Mike was tacking up Montana for a trail ride. The blue roan QH was playfully messing with Mike. “Gosh, Jon sure has a thing for mischeivous horses.” Susan said, rubbing Zoe’s coat. Both young QHs were her son, Jon’s, and he loved them lots. Both Susan and Mike tacked the horses up in their western tack and mounted. They rode down the first part of the trail, talking quietly. “How do you feel about Gracie?” Mike asked, knowing Susan had had her doubts about the spirited filly. “We’re definitely keeping her. She has so much potential.” Susan said, smiling as she sat comfortably in Zoe’s saddle. The cheeky filly kept breaking into a jog without being asked. “Jon really has done a good job with Zoe. Not many 15 y/os can break a filly to saddle and train her by themselves.” Mike said, a touch of pride in his voice. “Yeah, he is a good trainer.” Susan said. “Wanna race?” Mike asked suddenly. “Yeah!” Susan replied. “1…2…3…GO!” They said, flying into a gallop. Montana immediately took the lead, nimbly maneuvering over the trail. Zoe seemed surprised at being left behind and put on an extra spurt of speed, drawing even with the champion 4 y/o. They were neck in neck as they swept around the turn. Suddenly, Montana pulled ahead, tossing his head and fluttering into the lead. “You win!” Susan called, slowing Zoe to a walk. “We both knew I would win.” Mike joked. They rode down to the beach. The sun was beginning to set, so Mike and Susan dismounted to watch the sunset with their horses :-)

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